38th NIR Forum

November 15-17, 2022

The University of Tokyo


Interpretation of NIR Spectra - from NIR band identification to understanding of calibration models and instrumental differenceCKrzysztof B. Bec


Non-destructive inspection technique on concrete structures using near-infrared spectroscopyCAnri Watanabe, Hiromitsu Furukawa, Hiroshi Minagawa, Shintaro Miyamoto, Satoru Tokuda, Yuko Mizuta,Takeshi Nakanishi


Rebuilding science-based NIR spectroscopy by food metabolomicsCXinyue Li


Contribution to development of aquaphotomic near infrared spectroscopy and research of the functionality of water molecular species in bio-aqueous system CJelena Muncan


Monitoring and Process Improvement of Pharmaceutical Production Using the NIR MethodCTakashi Nishii


Elucidation of distribution of components in the human skin by spectroscopic techniques such as near-infrared spectroscopyCMariko Egawa


Efforts to brand "Donchicchi-aji," a delicious, fat-rich horse mackerel caught in Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, by measuring lipids using near-infrared spectroscopy.CTomoyuki Kiyokawa, Hiroshi Hirakiuchi, Taishi Ishibashi, Hidehiro Kume


Application of PLS discriminant analysis to identification of many types of samplesCHibiki Kasuya, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


A monitoring method for peptide synthesis depending on amino acid sequences using NIR spectroscopyCMika Ishigaki, Atsushi Ito, Risa Hara, Shun-ichi Miyazaki, Koudai Murayama, Tsuji Sana, Miho Inomata,Keisuke Yoshikiyo, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto, Yukihiro Ozaki


Analysis of Water Adsorption Dynamics on Zeolite adsorbents by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCMasato Takeuchi, and Masaya Matsuoka


Integrated image sensor for non-destructive restoration and high-speed line inspection of multi-layered three-dimensional objects using broadband optical imaging centered on the near-infrared regionCYuya Kinoshita, Kou Li, Zhenyu Zhou, Daiki Sakai, Yuto Aoshima, Daichi Shikichi, Raito Ota,Yuto Matsuzaki, Imari Sato, Yukio Kawano


Infrared spectroscopic analysis of CO2 immobilization by NH3 on ZrO2 catalysts with acid-base bifunctionalitiesCRuri Maekawa, Masaya Matsuoka, Masato Takeuchi


Modeling of the photoacoustic pressure induced by a near-infrared laser in dense colloidal suspensionsCHiroyuki Fujii, Yuki Inoue, Hyeonwoo Na, Kazumichi Kobayashi, Masao Watanabe


Numerical study of the near-infrared light scattering properties by molecular dynamics simulations and electromagnetic theoryCHyeonwoo Na, Hiroyuki Fujii, Kazumichi Kobayashi, Masao Watanabe


Study on the interference effect of near-infrared light scattering in fat emulsions using time-resolved measurementsCYuki Inoue, Hiroyuki Fujii, Goro Nishimura, Kazumichi Kobayashi, Masao Watanabe


In-line NIR spectroscopic monitoring of molecular weight during injection molding of biodegradable polymerCItsuki Yoshikawa, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Development of powder formulation verification system based on near-infrared spectroscopyCKei Moriyama, Takehito Kamei, Kazuhisa Takeda and Junichi Umeda


Application of Near-Infrared Analysis Technology in Pharmaceutical Continuous ProductionCTakuya Nagato


Continuous monitoring of ambient carbon dioxide using NIR quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopyCMingu Lee , Syo Sugahara, Daijiro Omi, Michiya.Fujita, Kenichi Tonokura


Rice amylose content determination by using near-infrared spectroscopy (Part 3)Validation using three-year unknown samplesCShuso Kawamura, Haruka Iino, Edenio Olivares D., Hiroyuki Ishizu,Toru Nagata and Shigenobu Koseki


Benefits and challenges of benchtop and miniaturized NIR spectrometers to predict nutritional parameters in milletsCVerena Wiedemair, Dominik Mair, Carina Held, Christian Huck


Development of a Rapid analysis for the Degradation Degree of Fat in French Fries by Near Infrared SpectroscopyCAya Odashima, Han Zhang, Jie Yu Chen


Estimation of Apple Mealiness by means of Laser Backscattering Imaging using Near-infrared LaserCIida Daiki, Kokawa Mito, Kitamura Yutaka


3D sugar content imaging of strawberry by NIR-HSI and laser displacement measurementC,Hayato Seki, Haruko Murakami, Te Ma, Li Bin, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Detectionlimitoftracesubstancesinfoodbynear-infraredspectroscopyCGakuto Yashiro, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Surface Color Analysis of Outdoor Exposed Wood by Using Hyperspectral ImagingCKazuya Sakaguchi, Yoichi Kojima, Kenji Aoki, Hikaru Kobori


Hetero-correlation between near-infrared and differential scanning calorimetry using 2D correlation spectroscopy on wood thermal behavior analysisCSiti Hanifah Mahdiyanti ,Tetsuya Inagaki ,Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluation of visible and near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy for tensile strain measurement in woodCTe Ma, Takusu Kajimura, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Detection of amino acids in heavy water using lanthanide ions as probesCRiku Okada, Eiko Mieda, Hiroyuki Miyake and Satoshi Shinoda


Real-time measurement of metabolic reactions using phase relationships between metabolitesCMiho Sesumi, Akifumi Ikehata


Evaluation of vegetation index distribution of pasture grasses photographed from a short distance with a hyperspectral cameraCKodai Shimotabira, Genki Ishigakiand Masakazu Arai


Measurement of reflectance and fluorescence spectra of pasture grasses using optical fiberCMitsuki Sakakura, Kodai Shimotabira, Kosuke Shimomura, Hiroki Nishi, Genki Ishigaki, Masakazu Arai


Classification of stacked plastic sheets by SWIR hyperspectral imagingCKeisuke Ozawa


Kinetic analysis of amidation using automated flow reactor and inline near-infrared spectroscopyCYoshihiro Takebayashi, Kiwamu Sue, Sho Kataoka


Weather prediction using near-infrared spectra of the southern skyCAren Oyama, and Yasuo Ohtera


Identification of Plant Fiber Using Infrared Spectroscopy: Discrimination of Traditional and Modern HempCMai Saito, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi, Riyo Kikuchi, Takuyo Yasunaga, Noriko Hayakawa, Kuniko Matsunashi


NIR imaging through FTIR concentration regression models of aqueous acid-base reactionsCGia Ginelle Carandang, Takumi Sakashita, Naoto Kakuta


Development of near-Infrared spectroscopic analysis for adherent cultured human cellsCMitsuru Yasuda, Yuto Ritsuno, Mariko Chikuma, and Masato Yasui


Development of broadband NIR-LED with Cr-doped germanate glass phosphorCYutaro Satake, Yasushi Nanai, and Nobuaki Kitazawa


Atmospheric measurement of methane using a small multipass cellCDaijiro Omi, Yusuke Sakamoto, Lee Mingu, Kenichi Tonokura


Examination of effective measurement with using controlled light source spectrumCHiromichi Aoki, Eiki Monna, Nobuaki Taniguchi


Hyperspectral image segmentation based on standard deviation of spectral intensityCTakuma Genkawa, Akifumi Ikehata


New Method for Reducing Instrumental Difference -Simulation Studies-CMizuki Tsuta


Sorting Method for Biodegradable Plastics by Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCYukiko Sato, Tomofumi Suzuki, Yoshii Shinichi, Katsumi Sakai


Discrimination of strains of Escherichia coli by Fluorescence-Fingerprinting Spectroscopy coupled with Dimensionality Reduction and non-linear discriminantCH.Katoh, K.Sugimoto, M.Yoshimura, I.SotomeY.Hosotani, S.Kawasaki, M.Tsuta and A.Ikehata


Measurement of fish fat content with a compact spectrophotometer using broad band LED light sourceCSatoru Yamauchi


Non-destructive quality evaluation of kiwifruit using Hyper spectral NIR imaging - Introduction of Geometric Shape Correction Model -CKaho Yamaguchi,Te Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Discrimination of Microplastics in Agricultural Soil Using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCYuika Yasui, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


Concentration prediction of alcoholic beverages in containersCSakiko Matsuura, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


The separation of softwood and hardwood in historical wooden statues of the Nazenji-temple in Japan using NIR spectroscopy -the comparison of prediction accuracy by using soft independent modeling of class analogy and support vector machine-CYohei KURATA, Miho KOJIMA, Ken WATANABE, Hisashi ABE


Non-destructive measurement of the subcutaneous fat thickness for pork using near-infrared spectroscopyCHikaru Imamura, Tomoko Takahashi, Junta Hirayama and Masaru Tokumoto


Identification of corroded areas of mango by hyperspectral cameraCHikari Yoshioka, Kodai Shimotabira and Masakazu Arai


Nondestructive estimation of chlorophyll content in blackcurrant leaves and discriminant analysis of leaf harvesting sitesCToru Shimada, Taishi Hayashida, Yoji Kato, Tatsuya Omizu, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Development of sugar quality evaluation model for a portable visible near-infrared spectrometerCKittipon Aparatana, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Eizo Taira,


Development of efficient calibration method using sugarcane NIRS networkCYumika Naomasa, Aparatana Kittipon, Muneshi Mitsuoka and Eizo Taira


Evaluation of native type of soybeans and soymilk by using NIR spectroscopyCYuka Nakajima and Daitaro Ishikawa


Analysis of moisture sorption behavior of rice flours by NIR imagingCAyaka Watanabe, Daitaro Ishikawa


Studies on sugar calibration model for Kiett mango using NIRSCMone Miyagi, Kittipon Aparatana , Muneshi Mitsuoka, and Eizo Taira,


Geometrical influence correction of applefs near infrared hyperspectral images for early bruise detectionCBin Li,Leshang Bai,Te Ma,Tetsuya Inagaki,Satoru Tsuchikawa


Fluorescence Fingerprint facilitates quick quality evaluation of plant extracts: the impact of sample dilutionCBui Thi Bao Chau, Kokawa Mito, Kitamura Yutaka



37th NIR Forum

November 17-19, 2021



Plant cultivation under microgravity: NIR imaging and PCR evaluationCShusaku Nakajima, Masayasu Nagata and Akifumi Ikehata


In-line monitoring of polymer injection molding process using near-infrared spectroscopyCYuta Hikima


Development of phosphor-converted NIR-LEDs with a broad emission spectrumCYasushi Nanai


Development of near infrared hyper-spectral imaging endoscope for visualization of deep lesionCToshihiro Takamatsu, Hiroaki Ikematsu, Hiroshi Takemura, Hideo Yokotaand Kohei Soga


Determination of vegetable oil oxidation cause by NIRCYurika Otoki,Shunji Kato, Daitaro Ishikawa, Yukihiro Ozaki, Kiyotaka Nakagawa


Visualization of sugar content distribution in white strawberries by near infrared hyperspectral imagingCHayato Seki, Haruko Murakami, Te Ma, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Aquaphotomics research of water activity - The role of water molecular structure in preservationCJelena Muncan,Sukritta Anantawittayanon, Roumiana Tsenkova


Applications of NIRS for consumer tests -an example of home use test on strawberry-CMizuki Tsuta, Yuko Nakano, Yoshihiro Uenishi, Fumiyo Hayakawa, Junko Yamamoto, Yukari Kazami,Yoko Suzuki, Akifumi Ikehata


Rice amylose content determination by using near-infrared spectroscopy (Part 2) Validation using 2-year unknown samplesCShuso Kawamura, Edenio Olivares Díaz and Toru Nagata


An attempt to evaluate a calibration model on shredded sugarcane NIR systemCEizo TAIRA, Yumika Naomasa, K.Aparatana, Munesi Mitsuoka


Solvent effect on interaction of phenol OH in aromatic solvent studied by NIR spectroscopyCYusuke Morisawa, M. A. Czarnecki,S. Singh,Harumi Sato, Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of Thin-Layer Chromatography Detected by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (TLC-NIR)CEmiko Yamamoto, Shigeaki Morita


Identification of goose down and duck down using infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysisCMiyuki Funahashi, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


Multiphysics model of photoacoustic waves induced by near-infrared laserCIori Terabayashi, Hiroyuki Fujii, Kazumichi Kobayashi and Masao Watanabe


Development of Food Inspection System using Multi-Aperture Spectral Imaging SensorCToshinori Honma, Shinfya Okazaki, Toshimasa Iijima, Hiroshi Ohashi, Isao Kunita


Non-destructive Detection of Low-density Food Contaminations using Single Pixel based NIR Multispectral ImagingCTakumi Kimura, Te Ma, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Investigation on the adsorption and dehydration of various alcohols on the solid acid catalysts by near-infrared spectroscopyCAkihiro Mikuni, Yutaku Yamao, Masaya Matsuoka, and Masato Takeuchi


Kinetic Analysis of LiOH Hydration by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCMasato Takeuchi, Ryo Kurosawa, Junichi Ryu, and Masaya Matsuoka


Application of PLS discriminant analysis to identification of many types of samplesCHibiki Kasuya, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Prediction of blending ratio by spinning process using near infrared spectroscopyCKoshiro Ando, Norio Yoshimuraand Masao Takayanagi


Simultaneous monitoring of glycolytic oscillation in bakerfs yeast by UV and NIR spectroscopyCMiho Sesumi and Akifumi Ikehata


Effects of orientation of onion bulbs on their near-infrared transmittanceCYasuhiro Harada, Hikaru Funahashi, Shota Tominaga


Evaluation of Sugar Content of MilkyBerry by Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCMurakami Haruko, Hayato Seki, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Development of wood species identification method by using near-infrared spectroscopy -Comparison of discrimination accuracy between different preprocessing methods-CNatsuko Shimomura, Hisashi Abe, Yohei Kurata


Changes of the eigenvalue distribution from NIR spectral matrix with tree agingCTakaaki Fujimoto


On the prediction of meteorological parameters using the time variation of NIR spectra of the skyCHaruyasu Tanaka and Yasuo Ohtera


Study of visualization of peripheral blood flow dynamics utilizing a snapshot-type multispectral cameraCAiri Sato and Yasuo Ohtera


Two-dimensional distributions of chemical composition and birefringence of a swollen thermoplastic elastomer under the uniaxially-stretchingCKentaro Mori, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Monitoring of adhesive curing process by near-infrared lightCYasuto Fujimaki, Miyuki Kosugi, Jun Inoue


Measurement of the degree of surface alkylation of silica particle by near infrared spectroscopyCDaichi Kageyama, , Yoshihiro Takebayashi, Satoshi Yoda



36th NIR Forum

November 24-26, 2020



15 years as a member of Japan Council of Near Infrared SpectroscopyCMasao TAKAYANAGI


Monitoring of pharmaceutical manufacturing by process analysis technology, and near-infrared spectroscopyCMakoto Otsuka


Effects of intermolecular interactions on absorption intensities of overtones in NIR region.CYusuke Morisawa


Modeling of light scattering in biological tissue, agricultural products, and foodsCHiroyuki Fujii


From Non-invasive Disease Diagnostics with NIRS to AquaphotomicsCTsenkova Roumiana


Analysis of amino acids using NIR spectroscopyCMika Ishigaki, Atsushi Ito, Risa Hara, Shun-ichi Miyazaki,  Koudai Murayama, Keisuke Yoshikiyo, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto, Yukihiro Ozaki


Study of hydrogen bonds in water in hydrate melt using near-infrared spectroscopyCMutsumi Imawari, Nami Ueno, Yusuke Morisawa


An Analysis of the Winterization Process of Sesame Oil as Inactive Drug Ingredient by Two-dimensional Difference Spectra Collected from an NIR/MIR Dual-Wavelength SpectrometerCMasahiro Watari, Akifumi Nagatomo, Takuma Genkawa and Shigeaki Morita


Spectral Analysis Using Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) -Possibilities and Challenges-CMizuki Tsuta, Yoko Suzuki


Rice amylose content determination by using near-infrared spectroscopyCShuso Kawamura, Edenio Olivares Díaz and Toru Nagata


Non-destructive freshness evaluation of shellfish using near infrared spectroscopyCSaki Miyata, Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed, Takuma Genkawa


The evaluation of komatsuna freshness using visible-near infrared spectroscopyCXinyue Li, Mizuki Tsuta, Yoko Suziki and Yasuyo Sekiyama


Study on the dynamic state of free, hydrogen-bonded water with wood by near-infrared hyperspectral imagingCTe Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Construction of NIR plant dialogue farming methodCDang Duc Viet, Te Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Nguyen Tu Kim, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Near Infrared spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging research for fast growing polyploid hybrid woodCDang Duc Viet ,Te Ma ,Tetsya Inagaki ,Satoru Tsuchikawa


Aquaphotomics for Environmental Monitoring & ProtectionCJelena Muncan, Petya Stoykova, Hideyuki Inui, Roumiana Tsenkova


Measurement of physical properties of snow pack by using near-infrared spectroscopyCYasuhiro Harada, Yusuke Shiro, Hirokazu Nihei, Seita Hoshino, Kazutaka Tateyama, Atsushi Kanda


A label-free passive monitoring of liquid quality with a stretchable photo-thermoelectric sensor sheet by measuring of infrared radiationCRyogo Utaki, Kou Li, Yukio Kawano,


NIR spectroscopic birefringence imaging of uniaxial stretching process of elastomerCYuta Hikima, Kentaro Mori, Masahiro Ohshima


Broadening the luminescence bandwidth of near-infrared wideband LEDs using Cr-doped germanate phosphorsCYasushi Nanai, Ryota Ishida, Seiya Nishimura, and Shingo Fuchi


Study on the correlation between near infrared spectrum of the sky and meteorological parameters using kernel multivariate analysisCHaruyasu Tanaka and Yasuo Ohtera


Attempt to estimate fruit absorbance using multispectral camera and machine learningCNao Ikeda and Yasuo Ohtera


Visualization of hand blood information using a filter array type multispectral cameraCAiri Sato and Yasuo Ohtera


Grass height measurement by near-infrared wavelength band LiDAR for forecasting grass harvestCZhongyuan Zhuang, Naoyo Kita, Tatsuki Saitou, Mitsuki Sakakura, Genki Ishigaki , Masakatsu Ogawa and Masakazu Arai


Investigation on the Dehydration of Mg(OH)2 and Hydration of MgO by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCMasato Takeuchi, ,Atsushi Kondo, Ryo Kurosawa, Junichi Ryu, and Masaya Matsuoka


Analysis of amino acids using NIR spectroscopyCSana Tsuji, Mika Ishigaki, Atsushi Ito, Shun-ichi Miyazaki, Risa Hara, Koudai Murayama, Keisuke Yoshikiyo, Yukihiro Ozaki, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto


Near infrared spectroscopic analysis of polymer blends produced by melt mixingCYoshihiro Takebayashi, Takumi Ono, Satoshi Yoda, Shingo Takada, Toru Suzuki


Search for Optimal Conditions for Data Selection Using PLS-DA in Supervised LearningCMiki Fujii, Ryozo Noguchi, Tofael Ahamed, Takuma Genkawa


Effectiveness of spectral pre-treatment on near-infrared spectraCYusuke Nomura, Ryozo Noguchi Tofael Ahamed Genkawa Takuma


Non-destructive discrimination of pretreatment materials for dying plant fibers by infrared spectroscopyCChihiro Yagi, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi, Riyo Kikuchi, Takuyo Yasunaga, Noriko Hayakawa


Nondestructive classification analysis for the area of wood production by using near infrared spectroscopyCNatsuko Shimomura, Hisashi Abe, Yohei Kurata


Accurate Estimation of Feed Composition and Fermentation Quality of Rice Using a Small Near Infrared Sensor NIRONECEguchi Kentaro, Tohno Masanori, Kobayashi Hisami, Suzuki Tomoyuki


Vegetation index image measurement for estimation of crude protein content of grassCNaoya Kita, Zhongyuan Zhuang ,Tatuki Saitou ,Mituki Sakakura, Genki Ishigaki and Masakazu Arai


Correlation survey between grass fluorescence and crude protein contentCMitsuki Sakakura, Naoya Kita, Zhongyuan Zhuang, Tatsuki Saitou, Genki Ishigaki,Masakazu Arai


Determination of dryness in olive leaves using NIR spectroscopyCNorihito Kishimoto and Nami Takano


Detection of extra-virgin olive oil adulteration mixed with refined vegetable oils using NIR spectroscopyCNami Takano and Norihito Kishimoto


Deep learning recognition for NIR-HSI_Germination evaluation of Japanese mustard spinach seedsCTe Ma, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Preliminary study on detection of internal rot in onion bulbs in term of near infrared spectroscopy (2)CShota Tominaga, Hikaru Funahashi, Yasuhiro Harada, Kenji Iwadate


Analysis of buckwheat noodle: Measurement of the mixing ratio of buckwheat flour and wheat flour by near-infrared spectroscopyCNatsumi ONDA, Norio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Evaluation of starch crystallinity with the Fourier-transform terahertz spectroscopyCShusaku Nakajima, Shuhei Horiuchi, Akifumi Ikehata, Yuichi Ogawa


Analysis of Soaking in Tofu Manufacturing Process using Transmittance and Diffuse Reflectance MethodCRisa HARA, Takuma GENKAWA, Kodai MURAYAMA


Performance evaluation of the thermal imaging system for sensing imaging based plant response approach(SIPRA)CMd. Parvez Islam, Nakano Yuka, Keinichi Tokuda, Nobuo Kochi, Unseok Lee



35th NIR Forum

November 18-20, 2019

Tower Hall Funabori


Opportunities and challenges of NIR spectroscopy for agricultural applications in India: A few case studiesCRajib Bandyopadhyay


What I learned from Karl Norris through near-infrared spectroscopyCMutsuo Iwamoto


Report for 2019 Japan and Taiwan Joint NIR Workshop, International workshop on application of NIR spectroscopy in food & agriculture, and NIR2019CSatoru Tsuchikawa


Development of diffuse optical tomography: bottlenecks and prospectsCYoko Hoshi


Simple measuring device for functional pigment components of fruits and vegetables and its utilization for nondestructive inspectionCTatsuyuki Sakanaka


Development of quantification method of glucose anomer ratio using near-infrared spectroscopyC Sae Tanaka


Development of Liquid Explosive Detector using Near InfraredCHideo Itozaki


Development of deep neural network algorithms for data mining of spectral dataCYasuhiro Date


Development of visualization technique of NIR absorption and birefringence vector using polarized NIR spectroscopic imagingCYuta Hikima, Toshiki Nakamura, Masahiro Ohshima


Deep learning recognition for NIR-HSI_Germination evaluation of Japanese mustard spinach seedsCTetsuya Inagaki, Hanako Takahasshi, Hideaki Kanayama, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Identification of geographical origin of hijiki seaweed by near infrared spectroscopy and discriminant analysisCYu Hayakawa, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi, Takuya Seko, Kenji Ishihara


Monitoring moisture distribution in wood during drying process using near infrared hyperspectral imagingCGenki Morita, Te Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


X-leverage, Its usage and the effect that will be obtainedCOOTAKE Yoshisato


Rheo-optical near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy analysis on stretching behavior of ternary polymer blendCMaito Koga, Takeshi Saito, Hideko T. Oyama, Ryota Watanabe,Hiroaki Sato, Junji Mizukado, Hideyuki Shinzawa


Quantitative chemical analysis of diamines using lanthanide ions as probesCSatoshi Ariyasu, Eiko Mieda, Hiroyuki Miyake, and Satoshi Shinoda


An attempt to understand NIR spectrum by NMR metabolomicsCAkifumi IKEHATA and Yasuyo SEKIYAMA


Investigation of embryogenesis activity assessed by NIR spectroscopy and imagingCMika Ishigaki, Yui Yasui, Misato Kajita, Yukihiro Ozaki


Aquaphotomics of Biotic and Abiotic Plant StressCJelena Muncan, Shinichiro Kuroki, Roumiana Tsenkova


Aquaphotomics – Integrative Platform in ScienceCRoumiana Tsenkova


Effects of sample size and snow density on near-infrared diffuse reflectance of snow packCYasuhiro Harada, Yusuke Shiro, Seita Hoshino, Kazutaka Tateyama, Atsushi Kanda


Monitoring Technique of Physical Blowing Agent Concentration in Foam Injection Molding ProcessCShunsuke Hosoe, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Monitoring of Reaction End Point in a Resin Synthesis PlantCHideko Tanaka, Youko Nozawa, Toshiki Ohara


A portable 360‹ around-view photo-thermal camera for ubiquitous near infrared imaging inspection robotsCK. Li, R. Yuasa, R. Utaki, M. Sun, Y. Tokumoto, D. Suzuki, Y. Kawano


Study for hydrogen bonding of cellulose in LiCl/N,N-dimethylacetamide solutions using NIR spectroscopyCYusuke Morisawa, Sana Imura


Effect of amino-acid dissolution on hydrogen bonding network of water studied by near-infrared spectroscopyCShori ITO, Noroio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Study on reproducibility of SPR-NIR spectraCRisa Hara, Takuma Genkawa, Ichiro Tanabe, Aiko Miyamoto,Fumie Watanabe, Tomoyuki Saruya, Nobuhiro Tomosada, Kodai Murayama, Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of wideband near-infrared LED using Cr-doped silicate phosphorsCYasushi Nanai, Ryota Ishida, Yuhei Ogura, Yuki Urabe, Seiya Nishimura, and Shingo Fuchi


Development of Pr3+, Tm3+ codoped glass phosphor combined with a LEDCSeiya Nishimura, Yasushi Nanai, and Shingo Fuchi


Development of device independent screening model for detecting falsified medicinesCYuka Hoshi, Yusuke Hattori, Satoshi Managaki, Yasuo Sugiura, Makoto Otsuka


MIRENIR spectroscopy for the adsorption and reaction species of CO2 and NH3 on acid-base catalystsC,Atsushi Kondo, Masaya Matsuoka, and Masato Takeuchi


Discrimination of kudzu and basho by infrared spectroscopyCChihiro Yagi, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi, Michiko Okabe, Riyo Kikuchi, Takuyo Yasunaga, Noriko Hayakawa


NIR spectroscopy for NH3 and NH4+ species adsorbed on hydrated solid acid catalystsCMisaki Yanagi, Yuki Tsujimoto, Norimichi Kawabe, Masaya Fujisue, and Masato Takeuchi


Investigation of various catalyst surfaces exposed to mixture of ammonia-water vapor –Identification of adsorbed species by second derivative spectra–CMisaki Yanagi, Atsushi Kondo, Masaya Matsuoka, and Masato Takeuchi


Non-destructive quantities analysis of optically active pharmaceutical by portable near infrared spectrometerCYasuto Fujimaki, Tomoaki Sakamoto, Seiji Koganei, Toshiyuki Chikuma


Application of NIR molecular sensing technique for a pharmaceutical manufacturing process monitoring and quality controlCTomoaki Sakamoto, Yasuto Fujimaki and Toshiyuki Chikuma


BCS classification of pharmaceutical compounds using NIR spectroscopy and Hansen solubility parametersCMaki HOGA, Yusuke HATTORI, Makoto OTSUKA


Measurement of fish fat content with a compact spectrophotometer using LED light sourceCSatoru Yamauchi


Nondestructive measurement for wood bending strength of one wood sample by using near infrared spectroscopyCNatsuko Shimomura, Oba Erika, Kana Yamashita, Yohei Kurata


Foreign Substance Detection Method in Food Using Two Types of Near Infrared LEDsCNaotaka Yamashita, Eiji Nitanai


Prediction and Comparison of Models for Soluble Solids Content Determination in eYaf Pears Using Optical Properties and Diffuse Reflectance in 900-1700 nm Spectral RegionCYu Xia, Xi Tian, Jiangbo Li, Shuxiang Fan, Wenqian Huang, Liping Chen,


Distinguishing maturity of coffee beans by using Fluorescent FingerprintCTsuyoshi Yamashita, Mito Kokawa and Yutaka Kitamura


Study on molecular structural change in gelatinized and retrograded starch by NIR and IR SpectroscopyCTakanari Ikeda, Norihisa Katayama


Evaluation of ethanol concentration in wine using a 1.7 mm broadband light sourceCYusuke Tano, Motoki Tanaka, Kanami Ikeda, Osanori Koyama and Makoto Yamada


Identification of red rot disease and deterioration of sugarcane in Japan using hyperspectral imaging and chemometric techniquesCKittipon Aparatana, Khwantri Saengprachatanarug, Yoshinari Izumikawa, Shinya Nakamura and Eizo Taira


Evaluation of frozen/thawed status of mackerel using near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Yuki Kimura, Megumi Takeuchi, Yuetsu Kado and Yuji Omura


Developing a non-destructive method with Near Infrared (NIR) Spectrometry for frozen-thawed mackerel fat contentCYuki Kimura, Takashi Kimiya, Megumi Takeuchi, Yuetsu Kado and Yuji Omura


Non-destructive estimation of internal quality in storage of Japanese pear gNikkorih by VIS-NIR spectroscopyCAyano Yasuda, Yu Yamamoto, Hayato Seki, Rie Aoyama, Masaru Kashiwazaki


Simple analysis of procyanidin in apple juice by using Fluorescent FingerprintCSeiya Okino, Mito Kokawa, Yutaka Kitamura


Preliminary study on detection of internal rot in onion bulbs in term of near infrared spectroscopyCShota Tominaga, Yasuhiro Harada, Kenji Iwadate


Wood species identification using near infrared spatially resolved spectroscopyCTe Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluation of cabbage freshness using small visible and near infrared spectrophotometerCShusaku Nakajima, Takuma Genkawa, Masayasu Nagata, Akifumi Ikehata


Classification of soil based on spectral characteristics to what extent it has been achieved?COOTAKE Yoshisato


Spectroscopic Techniques for Adulterants Detection of Honey: a comparative studyCAbdullah Iqbal, Mizuki Tsuta


Vis-NIR spectroscopy for the prediction of tomato sensory quality CXinyue Li, Fumiyo Hayakawa, Yukari Kazami, Mizuki Tsuta and Akifumi Ikehata


Performance Evaluation of the infrared imaging system for optimal environmental control of the greenhouseCMd. Parvez Islam*, Keinichi Tokuda, Nobuo Kochi, Unseok Lee


Investigating water-molecular structuring of microbial growth in different waters using near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomicsCAleksandar Stoilov, Yuki Nakagawa, Roumiana Tsenkova



34th NIR Forum

November 20-22, 2018

Hokkaido University




Application of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in Animal IndustryCMasahiro AMARI


Reports on ANS2018 (6th Asian NIR Symposium)CAkifumi Ikehata


Development of Automatic Rice Quality Inspection System Using Visible and Near-infrared LightCShuso Kawamura


NIR in Tree Breeding: Hybridisation and Multiple Trait PredictionCRoger Meder


Nondestructive evaluation of biological materials using NIR spectral imaging methodCMa Te


Development of Liquid Explosive Detector using Near Infrared\Security in the Airport for Anti-terrorism CHideo Itozaki


Assessment of cellulose structural variety from different origins using near infrared spectroscopyCYoshiki Horikawa


Experimental study on visualizing freezing phenomenon of supercooled water in a microchannel using NIR cameraCKimihiko Kawamura, Toru Yamada, Yohei Morinishi, Shinji Tamano


Relationship between metabolic activity and water structure due to Medaka fish egg developmentCMika Ishigaki, Yui Yasui, Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of Online Real-time Near-infrared Spectroscopic Sensing System for Milk Quality Determination in a Milking RobotCPatricia Iweka, Shuso Kawamura, Tomohiro Mitani, Shigenobu Koseki


Discrimination of Immature Coffee Beans Using UV-vis-NIR Fluorescence ImagingCRei Takahashi, Mito Kokawa, Mizuki Tsuta, Yutaka Kitamura


Developing a fat content and fish species (an automatic) selecting system for mackerelCYuki Kimura, Takashi Kimiya, Michiko Kumiyoshi(Suzuki), Yuji Omura, Megumi Takeuchi, Yukito Nagane, Hisashi Matsubara


Construction of NIRs dialogue farming method - Optimum light environment of Komatsuna -CKyohei Tanaka, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Tetsuya Inagaki


Non destructive measurement method for sugarcane stalk using combined NIR instrumentCEizo Taira, Yukino Ikeda, Khwantri S., Hiroyuki Honda and Yoshinari Izumikawa


Development of Gradient LC-NIR and Application for Concentration-Dependent NIR SpectroscopyCKazuki Masago, Shigeaki Morita


Identification of paper types by near infrared spectroscopyCShigeru Sugawara, C hristian W. Huck


To grasp water molecule structure reflecting bacterial growth probability by means of NIRS and Aquaphotomics CYuki Nakagawa and R. Tsenkova


Aquaphotomics for Biodiagnostics and MonitoringCJelena Muncan, Kentaro Ikuta, Roumiana Tsenkova


Analysis of the influence on the stability of gelatin coating in drying process of vitamin E capsulesCRina Takeshima, Yuri Izumi, Yusuke Hattori,, Kazuhide Ashizawa, Makoto Otsuka,


High sensitive detection of near-infrared fluorescence probes for medical applicationsCGoro Nishimura


Discrimination of cellulose fibers by new discriminant analysis FDOD- Discrimination of regenerated cellulose fibers rayon and modal -CKosuke Sakamoto, Kengo Saito,Manami Kanno,Norio Yoshimura,Masao Takayanagi


A Proposal for Quantitative Determination using a Single-Beam SpectrumCShigeaki Morita


Machin learning on spectral data: an example on apple fresh browning predictionCMizuki Tsuta, Masatoshi Yoshimura, Satoshi Kasai, Kazuya Matsubara, Yuji Wada, Akifumi Ikehata


Developing calibration model of cell cultures with near infrared spectroscopyCShunsuke Kono, Toshimitsu Noguchi, Akihiro Nojima, Takuya Kambayashi


Background removal method to improve a hitting ratio of discriminant analysis using NIR spectral imagingCYuto ISHIZUMI,Takuma GENKAWA


Variation of near-infrared absorption spectrum of water by mixing alkane polyaminesCShori Ito, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


NIR spectroscopy for the NH3 and NH4+ species adsorbed on various zeolites under NH3 flow conditionsCYingtong Bao, Atsushi Kondo, Masaya Matsuoka and Masato Takeuchi


Measurements and numerical simulation of reflection absorbance spectra from human skin in a near-infrared wavelength rangeCYuta Kobori, Teru Kuwahara, Kazuaki Okada, Tomonori Yuasa, Kazuya Ohtani, Hiroaki Iwashita, Yukio Yamada, and Yoshihisa Aizu


Evaluation of Organic Synthetic Reactions and Catalysts by Near Infrared Spectroscopic ImagingCKenji Wada, Hideya Taniguchi, Masato Takeuchi, and Ichiro Ishimaru


Diagnosis for Salt damage deterioration of concrete structures with Near Infrared Spectroscopic ImagingCTsubasa Saito, Kazushi Hamada, Hiroshi Kanasaki, Shinichiro Okazaki, Kenji Wada and Ichiro Ishimaru


A study on Yield Estimation Method of Pasture Grass Pasture Using LiDARCShoutaro Miyaji, Keishiro Nakamura, Sho Nakahara, Masakazu Arai, Genki Ishigaki


NIR spectroscopy for the epoxidation reaction of cyclic olefin with peroxide speciesCMasato Takeuchi, Atsushi Kondo, Hiroto Nishida, Yutaku Yamao, and Masaya Matsuoka


Measurement of trace mixed solution by enhanced NIR spectroscopyC Kodai Murayama, Takuma Genkawa, Ichiro Tanabe, Yuki Hanase, Fumie Watanabe, Nobuhiro Tomosada and Yukihiro Ozaki


NIR Birefringence Imaging Analysis of Injection Molded Amorphous Polymer ProductsCYuta Hikima, Ryoki Mitsui, Toshiki Nakamura, Long Wang, Masahiro Ohshima


Effect of hydrogen bonding on CF3-group vibration of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol in a solutionCSachi TAKEDA, Norio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Quantitative Analysis of the Ratio of Glucose Anomers in SolutionCSae Tanaka, Dušan Kojić, Roumiana Tsenkova and Masato Yasui


Spectroscopic study of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Near Infrared regionCKazutaka Nshikido, Yusuke Morisawa


Applications of near infrared spectroscopy for screening of water absorption in wheat breeding materials.CTamayo ABE, Shizen OHNISHI, Tatsuya SONODA and Nana ASHIKAGA


UV-VIS spectroscopy for the rapid assessment of Awamori attributesCXinyue Li, Mizuki Tsuta, Fukuyo Tanaka, Masatoshi Tsukahara, Keiko Tsukahara and Akifumi Ikehata


Diffuse Transmittance Spectroscopy of Milk using a High-Sensitive DetectorCSerika Fujisaki , Kiyokazu Miyachi , Katsuo Morita , Kuniyuki Kitagawa , Shigeaki Morita


Discrimination of peach kernel and apricot kernel by near infrared spectroscopyCAtsuko Kajino, Norio Yoshimura, and Masao Takayanagi


Sorting of the high quality lumbers for barrel usage by NIR spectroscopyCMomoko Imaoka, Takaaki Fujimoto


Relationship between sound spectra and NIR spectra in woodCNaoya Yamagata, Takaaki Fujimoto


Non-destructive evaluation of cleaner for contact lens using NIRSCSaki Miyata, Miwa Uematsu, Yuto Ishizumi, Takuma Genkawa


2D correlation of NIR spectroscopy for thermally degraded woodCSiti Hanifah Mahdiyanti, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Near-infrared light reflection spectrum analysis for remote sensing of tea leavesCKeishiro Nakamura, Shotaro Miyaji, Zhongyuan Zhuang, Kazuhiko Takashima, Kunihiko Satou and Masakazu Arai


Detection of sugarcane disease using near-infrared spectroscopyCKittipon Aparatana, Yoshinari Izumikawa, Kanvisit Maraphum and Eizo Taira


Feasibility study of visualization system for sugarcane quality using hyperspectral imaging CKanvisit Maraphum, Kittipon Aparatana, Eizo Taira


Quality Evaluation of Sugar Process using VIS-IR SpectroscopyCYoshinari Izumikawa, Shinya Nakamura, Eizo Taira


Development of non-destructive quantitative method of real-time nitrate ion content in cherry tomato plant using visible/near-infrared spectroscopyCHaruhiko washida, Tomohisa Takaya, Susumu Mizuhara, Arata Nakamura


A quantitative analysis of fat distribution in tuna using near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Kaoru Sasaki, Michiko Kuniyoshi (Suzuki), Shintaro Imamura, Yuji Omura, Takayoshi Uehara, Haruo Sato, Takahiro Hara, Kosuke Yokota and Tatsuki Oshima


Multiple soil parameters calibration model and soil maps using spectra measured in the fieldCMasakazu Kodaira, Sakae Shibusawa


Wideband near-infrared light source by Cr-doped niobate phosphor and blue LED for absorption spectrometryCYasushi Nanai, Ryota Ishida, Yusuke Ozawa, Yuki Urabe, Seiya Nishimura, and Shingo Fuchi


Ultra-wideband near-infrared light-source by Tm3+-doped glass phosphor stacked with Pr3+-doped glass phosphor on Blue LED CSeiya Nishimura, Yasushi Nanai, and Shingo Fuchi


An analysis of ethanol solution for disinfection using portable NIR MIR and Raman spectrometerCMasahiro Watari, Shukichi Ochiai, and Hisamitsu Higashiyama


PLS regression model-based control of tableting process with granule characteristicsCMiki Naganuma, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otuka


Rapid quantities analysis of pharmaceutical using near infrared spectraCYasuto Fujimaki, Tomoaki Sakamoto, Seiji Koganei, Koudai Murayama, Toshiyuki Chikuma


Spectroscopic analysis for quality inspection of pharmaceuticals on the market VI.  Utilization of the second overtone for non-destructive rapid analysis of commercial pharmaceutical tablets contained containing a chiral active pharmaceutical ingredientCTomoaki Sakamoto, Yasuto Fujimaki, Seiji Koganei, Koudai Murayama, Toshiyuki Chikuma


Complete imaging inspection and evaluation of tablets in terms of active ingredient content and coating film thicknessCTakashi Nishii, Katsuhiro Matsuzaki, Shigeaki Morita


Analysis of Swelling ang granulation processes of starchCYusuke HATTORI, Miki NAGANUMA, Makoto OTSUKA


Development of an in-line monitoring method of a peptide chemical synthetic reaction by NIR spectroscopyCAtsushi Ito, Jun-ichi Ogawa, Koudai Murayama, Yuki Hanase, Mika Ishigaki, Shinichiro Fuse, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Shun-ichi Miyazaki, Hidetoshi Sato and Yukihiro Ozaki



33rd NIR Forum

November 15-17, 2017

University of Tsukuba


Theoretical and technical advancements of NIRS and its impact in industryCChristian Huck


Reports on NIR2017 and JCNIRS-TAMRDC Joint NIR Workshop in TaiwanCAkifumi Ikehata


Creation of Novel Science by Contacting Dissimilar Field: Application of Introduction of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Wood Science and TechnologyCSatoru Tsuchikawa


Development of NIR Birefringence Imaging Technique and Its Application to
Analysis of Injection Molded Polymer Products
CYuta Hikima, Ryoki Mitsui, Long Wang, Shun Muroga and Masahiro Ohshima


Nondestructive Detection of Zebra Chip Disease in Potatoes using Near-infrared SpectroscopyCPei-Shih Liang , Ronald P. Haff, Sui-Sheng T. Hua, Joseph E. Munyaneza,
Tariq Mustafa, Siov Bouy L. Sarreal 


Influence of the performance of the instrument on near infrared spectroscopyCTsutomu Okura


Development of a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and a Near-Infrared Imaging Device and Their Application to Industrial Process AnalysisCKodai Murayama


Numerical study of light propagation in the human neck for diagnosis of thyroid cancers by diffusive lightCHiroyuki Fujii, Yukio Yamada, Yoko Hoshi, Kazumichi Kobayashi and Masao Watanabe


Near-infrared Diffuse Reflection Imaging for Visualizing Polymeric Composite MaterialsCShun Muroga, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Visual-quantitative analysis of neutralization reaction by a near infrared absorption imaging techniqueCNaoto KAKUTA  , Toshiya OHATA  , Daisuke K AWASHIMA  , Yukio YAMADA


Temperature measurement and heat production rate mapping for a small heating sphere by using a near-infrared absorption imaging techniqueCKeisuke NISHIJIMA, Naoto KAKUTA, Katsuya KONDO, Yukio YAMADA


Real time gas sensing at 1.7 ƒΚ m band with high speed wavelength swept light sourceCMasahiro Kawasugi, Kouki Totsuka, Tooru Sakai, Takuya Suzuki, Keiji Isamoto


Effects of Cow Individuality and Calving Times on Accuracy of Near-infrared Spectroscopic Sensing System for Milk Quality Determination during MilkingCPatricia Iweka, Shuso Kawamura, Tomohiro Mitani, Toshiyuki Okatani, Shigenobu Koseki


Combined Analysis of Near-Infrared Spectra and Physicochemical Properties for Determination of Amylose Content of Milled RiceCEdenio Olivares Díaz, Shuso Kawamura, Atsushi Jo, Mizuki Kato, Miki Matsuo and Shigenobu Koseki


Stiffness and moisture content prediction model of wooden veneer using online near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopyCImran Arrafd Sofianto, Tetsuya Inagaki, Mariya Itoh, and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Monitoring enzymatic browning process of apple by UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopyCMasatoshi Yoshimura, Ryosuke Izumi, Satoshi Kasai, Hidekazu Ito, Mizuki Tsuta, Akifumi Ikehata and Yoshio Makino


Basic Study on Quality Evaluation Method for Deteriorated Sugarcane using NIR spectroscopyCYoshinari Izumikawa, Shyota Irei, Hironoshin Ura, and Eizo Taira


The state of water in soft contact lenses probed by near infrared spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCJelena Muncan, Dusan Sarac, Lidija Matija, Dragomir Stamenkovic and Roumiana Tsenkova


Rheo-optical NIR study of Nylon 6CHideyuki Shinzawa, Junji Mizukado


Identification of heterogeneous samples using near infrared hyperspectral imaging and machine learning.CShigeru Sugawara, Yoshihiko Nakayama, Hideya Taniguchi and Ichiro Ishimaru


Background removal for clarification of NIR spectral imagingCYuto ISHIZUMI, Takuma GENKAWA


Anion detection by NIR spectroscopy using a ytterbium(III) complex as a probeCSatoshi Shinoda, Masahiro Azuma, Satoshi Ariyasu, and Hiroyuki Miyake


Carbon Number Dependence on Concentration-Dependent NIR Spectra of DiolsCDaichi Hirano, Shigeaki Morita


Non-staining imaging of embryogenesis and blood flow in Medaka fish egg using Imaging-Type Two-Dimensional Fourier SpectroscopyCMika Ishigaki, Paralee Puangchit, Akane Ishida, Hiroki Hayashi, Yoshihiko Nakayama, Hideya Taniguchi, Ichiro Ishimaru, Yukihiro Ozaki


Analysis of hydrogen bonding state in aqueous solution of aprotic polar organic compound by near infrared spectroscopyCSayaka KATSU, Norio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Development of a Surface Plasmon Resonance Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and High-Sensitivity Detection of Solution Absorption Spectra by using itC Fumie Watanabe, Yuki Hanase, Ichiro Tanabe, Kodai Murayama, Yukihiro Ozaki


Discrimination Model for Fibers in Used Fabrics by Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCMachiko Otani, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Identification of cellulose fabrics and determination of their blend ratio by terahertz spectroscopy and chemometricsCKyohei Fukai, Miyuki Funahashi, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


NIR monitoring of gelatinized starch undergoing H/D exchangeCHideyuki Shinzawa, Junji Mizukado


Development of a technology for detecting bacterial growth by means of NIRS and Aquaphotomics CYuki Nakagawa, Atsushi Numata, and R. Tsenkova


Analysis of molecular state of 2,2,2,trifluoroethanol in aprotic polar solvent by MCR-ALSCSachi TAKEDA, Norio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Quantitative evaluation of solutes in solutions in the presence of scattering effect using near infrared spectroscopy CHarumi Mizuno, Mika Ishigaki, Kyoko Takaba, Takuya Kambayashi, Shin-ichi Taniguchi, Yukihiro Ozaki


Intensity enhancement of amino acid absorption spectrum by surface plasmon resonance near infrared spectroscopyCYuki Hanase, Ichiro Tanabe, Fumie Watanabe, Kodai Murayama, Yukihiro Ozaki


NIR analysis of introduced nanographene into nano porous silicaCYasuto Fujimaki , Tomoaki Sakamoto, Seiji Koganei, Kosei Hayashi, Hiroto Watabnabe


A nondestructive discrimination analysis for normal and abnormality as growth of medaka fertilized eggs by using near-infrared spectroscopyCYui Yasui, Mika Ishigaki, Takashi Nishii, Puangchit Paralee, Yukihiro Ozaki


Evaluation of wood aging based on the distribution of eigenvalue calculated from NIR spectral matrixCHarusa Tsutsumi, Takaaki Fujimoto


Evaluation of molecular state in wood based on the distribution of eigenvalue calculated from NIR spectraCNaoya Yamagata, Takaaki Fujimoto


Monitoring system for moisture contents with beech leaves by using near infrared spectroscopyCKosuke Ono, Natsuki Mogami and Yohei Kurata


Deep learning recognition of wood species by NIR hyperspectral imagingCTetsuya Inagaki, Hideaki Kanayama, Te Ma and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Coordinating capacitance sensor and a portable near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to evaluate moisture content of wood lumber from Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtuse speciesCVu Thi Hong Tham, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Non-destructive wood qualities evaluation using NIR spatially resolved spectroscopyCTe Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Gary Schajer, Zarin Pirouz, and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Changes in vibration characteristics and NIR spectra during dry thermal treatment of woodCHikaru Kobori, Sakura Ichijo, Naoki Okano, Yoichi Kojima and Shigehiko Suzuki


Non-destructive prediction of the chemical composition in fresh corn silage using NIRSCKentaro Eguchi, Tsutomu Kanno, Souichiro Morita, Kazuhiro Matoba and Tetsuo Kawaide


Reflectance evaluation to estimate protein content in grassesCKeishiro Nakamura Satoshi Deguchi, Sho taro Miyazi Genki Ishigaki and Masakazu Arai


Fundamental research aiming for estimation system of grass harvest volume and crude protein contentCShoutaro Miyazi, Satoshi Deguchi, Keishiro Nakamura, Genki Ishigaki and Masakazu Arai


Maturity estimation of avocados using fluorescent fingerprintsCAzusa Hashimoto, Mito Kokawa, Ryoko Aiyama, Mizuki Tsuta, Yutaka Kitamura


Imaging experiment of diffuse reflection of fruits utilizing nano-photonic spectral filtersCYuki Morishita, Kosuke Asano, Takumi Omachi, Yasuo Otera, and Hirohito Yamada


Potential of Non-destructive Determining Methods using Visible / Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Degree of Granulation and Flesh Ratio in Blood Orange (eTaroccof)CFumiaki Itou, and Hiroyuki Ochi


Method for Estimating Tobacco leaf Strength by Visible and Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCTakuya Yoshimoto and Hiroshi Takayama


Quantitative determination of chiral catechins using NIR spectroscopyCMika Nomura, Shigeaki Morita


Non-destructive analysis of carotenoid in fruits and vegetables using NIR-excited Raman spectrometerCRisa Hara, Mika Ishigaki, Yasutaka Kitahama, Yukihiro Ozaki, Takuma Genkawa


A method for evaluating the ice fraction of frozen foods using a mobile near infrared analyzerCHikaru Imamura, Shinji Kono and Takuma Genkawa


Sorting of immature coffee beans using Fluorescence Fingerprint |study of grinding condition|CRei Takahashi, Mito Kokawa, Ryoko Aiyama, Tsuta Mizuki, Yutaka Kitamura


Rapid measurement of amino acids of soy sauce by near infrared spectroscopyCS. Wang, X. Liu, H. Zhang, Y. Akiyama, T. Tamura, N. Kyouno, and J. Y. Chen


Development of Multi-Aperture Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor for Food InspectionCToshinori Honma, Shinfya Okazaki, Toshimasa Iijima and Hiroshi Ohashi


Newly developed 1.7 mm band external cavity laser and its application to evaluation of ethanol concentration in distilled spiritCYuma HONDA, Akihiro MAEDA, Jun ONO, , Tatsuro ENDO, Xiaoen DU, Fumiki HANAFUJI, Mao-Chieh HSU,Hiroshi MORI, Takashi NAKAYAMA, Osanori KOYAMA and Makoto YAMADA


Development of a spot illumination system utilizing high-power NIR-LED for NIRS imaging measurement of agricultural productsCKosuke Asano, Yuki Morishita, Takumi Omachi, Yasuo Ohtera, and Hirohito Yamada


Development of Fast Near-infrared Spectrometer using Chirped Pulse Light SourceCJunki Sahara, Kiyomasa Doi, Toshikazu Nagashima, Takuma Yokoyama, Aya Ikarashi, Go Yamada


Characterization of Fourier transform spectrometer for spectroscopic analysisCYuki Kanda, Yoshimi Hatakeyama, Hiroshi Obara, Yasushi Nanai, and Shingo Fuchi


Measurement of amount of tablet coating using NIR and its application for the production line.CTakashi Nishii, Tomoyuki Uehara, Shigeaki Morita


Spectroscopic analysis for quality evaluation of commercial pharmaceuticals 3. Distribution analysis of two active ingredients and medical additive in oversea and domestic commercial Riamet Tablets using near-IR imagingCTomoaki Sakamoto, Yasuto Fujimaki, Toshiyuki Chikuma, Noriko Katori and Yukihiro Goda


Influence of the storage under high humidity on the dissolution behavior of enteric coated aspirin tabletsCMomoko Minami, Takayuki Terukina, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Establish inline monitoring of OPUSGRAN®CJin Osuga , Atsushi Kuriyama ,Yusuke Hattori , Makoto Otsuka



32nd NIR Forum and ANS 2016

November 30 - December 3, 2016

Hotel Shiroyama


Chemometrics: the Good, the Bad, and the UglyCTom Fearn


Probing into Randomness with Light and StatisticsCJun Uozumi


Application of NIR Imaging to BiologyCMika Ishigaki, Yui Yasui, Paralee Puangchit, Shoya Kawasaki, Takashi Nishii, , Daitaro Ishikawa, , and Yukihiro Ozaki


Non-invasive Blood Glucose Measurement by Using NIR Spectroscopy and Its Application to GI DeterminationCYasuhiro Uwadaira


Spectral Sensing in Quality Evaluation of Agro-Products in TaiwanCSuming Chen


Penalized Classification and Feature Selection with its Application to Detection of Chinese Herbal MedicineCYing Zhu, Tuck Lee Tan, Wai Kwong Cheang


Classification of Cracking Fruit of the Intact Aromatic Young Coconut using NIR Spectroscopy and Acoustic ResponseClassification of Cracking Fruit of the Intact Aromatic Young Coconut using NIR Spectroscopy and Acoustic ResponseCSirinad Noypitak, Wachiraya Imsabai, Nantinee Jaitrong, Ariyanan Talabnark and Anupun Terdwongworakul


Development of an NIR Calibration Model with Temperature Compensation using Common Temperature-Difference Spectra for determining the Brix Value of Intact FruitsCP. Jannok, Y. Kamitani, K. Hironaka, M. Shibayama and S. Kawano


Feasibility of Evaluation of Pyrolysis Characteristic of Bamboo Chips using of Near Infrared SpectroscopyCJetsada Posom, Panmanas Sirisomboon, Axel Funke, Jessica Heinrich, Jessica Maier and Pia Griesheimer


Simultaneous Prediction of Sugar Content and Watercore Position in Apple by Multispectral ImagingCLi Xinze, Te Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Determination of Viability of Soybean Seeds using Hyperspectral Near Infrared ImagingCDewi Kusumaningrum and Byoung-Kwan Cho


Quantitative Method to Determine the Optical Properties of Melons by the Photon Diffusion EquationCKiyohito Hattori, Hiroyuki Fujii, Goro Nishimura, Kazumichi Kobayashi and Masao Watanabe


Quality Analysis of Mango cv. Golden Nam Dok Mai by Laser Light Backscattering ImagingCPontalate Duangsuwan, Marcus Nagle, Pramote Khuwijitjaru, Busarakorn Mahayothee and Joachim Müller


Ultra-low Temperature (-162degC) Inline Measurement for LNG Calorific Value Adjustment System by NIRCHideko Tanaka, Naoki Ikenaga, Masashi Akao and Yoshihisa Hidaka


Development of a Handheld NIR Spectrometer for Evaluating Fat Content of Tuna II. Laboratory and Field ExperimentsCTakashi Kimiya, Katsuhiko Sawada, Tsutomu Okura, Shanji Piao,Yuji Omura and Ippei Fusejima


FT-NIR Analysis of SugarcaneCDavid Marston, Nils Berding and Sirinnapa Saranwong


Studies of Fertilized Fish Eggs development by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and ImagingCParalee Puangchit, Mika Ishigaki, Yui Yasui and Yukihiro Ozaki


Step-Markov Blanket Feature Selection to improve Accuracy of Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Complex SamplesCKyeol Chang, Junghye Lee, Young Mee Jung, Chi-Hyuck Jun, and Hoeil Chung


Repetition Rate Priority Method Based on Equidistant Wavelengths Screening with Application to NIR Analysis of Serum AlbuminCTao Pan, Lijun Yao, Jiemei Chen


Aquaporin Expression was Mirrored of Water Metabolism Combined with NIR Spectra and ChemometricsCYasuhiro Kato, Dušan Kojić, Manami Tanaka, Masato Yasui and Jing-Yan Han


NIR spectroscopy on Quantitative Analysis of Bioactive Diterpenoids in Andrographis paniculata Nees for Both Plants and Herbal MedicinesCSumaporn Kasemsumran, Nattaporn Suttiwijitpukdee and Waraporn Apiwatanapiwat


Screening of Valuable Yeast Isolated from Raspberry using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCMika Nomura, Kenta Noro, Akiko Saito, and Shigeaki Morita,


Hardness Estimation of Gelatin Gel using NIR SpectroscopyCTakuma Genkawa, Mika Takeshima, Yuto Ishizumi, Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi and Tomohiro Takigawa


Solvent Comparison for Determination of Histamine in Tuna Fish using Near Infrared (NIR) SpectroscopyCSuttahatai Pochanagone and Ronnarit Rittiron


Evaluation of Dry Extract System Involving NIR and IR Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Organophosphate PesticidesCAtchara Sankom, Ronnarit Rittiron, Warapa Mahakarnchanakul, Tanaboon Sajjaanantakul and Thammasak Thongket


Investigation on Near-Infrared Spectral Variations of Pellet/Powder Samples According to Particle Sizes and their Influence on Quantitative AnalysisCSeulah Chun and Hoeil Chung


NIR On-Line Detection on Structural Evolution of Core-Shell Latex Particles in Emulsion Polymerization ProcessCMinhua Yi, Teng Qiu, Lifan He, Xiaoyu Li and Longhai Guo


Simultaneous Imaging of NIR Spectra and Birefringence in Polymer ProductsCYuta Hikima, Ryoki Mitsui and Masahiro Ohshima


Development of a Handheld NIR Spectrometer for Evaluating Fat Content of Tuna I. InstrumentationCTsutomu Okura, Shanji Piao, Masashi Okuhara, Takashi Kimiya and Ippei Fusejima


A Portable Starch Content Analyzer in Fresh Cassava Root using NIR TechniqueCYuranan Bantadjan and Ronnarit Rittiron


Development of Non-Destructive Analytical System for Rapid Quality Evaluation of ApplesCSeon-mi Lee, Moon-cheol Jung, Kyung-Hyung Ku, Hikaru Kobori, Rae-kwang Cho


Development of a Device for Sweetness Evaluation in Mangoes and Oranges using Near Infrared SystemCKrairuek Ngowsuwan, Dusit Thanapatay, Sumaporn Kasemsumran and Anupun Terdwongworakul


The Development and Application of the Near-infrared Spectrum Network System in Tobacco ProductionCWei Li , Jiajun Wang , Weijuan Liu, Shihua Yang, Tianjun Yuan, Panpan Yang, Ying Li, Xueguang Shao and Ying Hou,


Bayesian Approximation Error Approach for Modeling Error Compensation in FMT/Micro-CT Multimodal ImagingCWenhao Xie, Yong Deng, Lichao Lian, and Qingming Luo,


The Detection Limit Associated with NIR Analysis of a Model Organic Compound in Aqueous SolutionCTomoko Watanabe, Satoru Tsuchikawa and Tetsuya Inagaki


Discrimination of Adulterated Extra Virgin Olive Oils using Temperature-Varied NIR Spectral FeaturesCDonghyun Ryoo, Hoeil Chung and Young Mee Jung


Prediction of Pore Diameter of Nano Porous Silica using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCYasuto Fujimaki, Tomoaki Sakamoto, Seiji Koganei, Kosei Hayashi, Shouichi Somekawa


Investigation on the Adsorption States of Olefin on Various Cation-Exchanged Zeolites by NIR SpectroscopyCYutaku Yamao, Masaya Matsuoka and Masato Takeuchi


NIR Measurements of the NH3 and NH4+ Species Adsorbed on Various ZeolitesCMasato Takeuchi, Tatsuya Tsukamoto and Masaya Matsuoka


Analysis of Interaction between Glucose Anomers and Water MoleculesCSae Tanaka, Dusan Kojic, Roumiana Tsenkova and Masato Yasui


Variation of the Near-Infrared Spectrum of Water upon Dissolution of Salts: Two Spectral Components Explaining Most VariationsCMasao Takayanagi, Sayaka Katsu, Naruya Uchida and Norio Yoshimura


Change of Near Infrared Absorption Spectra of ƒΏ,ƒΦ Disubstituted Alkanes and ƒΏ Linear Alcohols upon FreezingCYuta Toyama, Kohei Murakami, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Solvent Dependence of Absorption Intensity of the First Overtone of OH Stretching Vibration of Methanol in Chlorine-Based Organic SolventsCYoshisuke Futami , Reina Ueno , Shinpei Teramoto , Yasushi Ozaki  and Yukihiro Ozaki


High-Speed Monitoring of the Medaka Eggs Growth using NIR Hyperspectral Camera (Compovision)CYui Yasui, Mika Ishigaki, Takashi Nishii, Paralee Puangchit and Yukihiro Ozaki


Evaluation of Translucent Polymer Products using Kubelka-Munk Theory and Diffuse Reflection NIR ImagingCShun Muroga, Yuta Hikima and Masahiro Ohshima


Supercritical CO2 and ethanol diffusion behavior in PMMACShohei Miyaoka, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Determination of Alcoholysis Degree and Volatile Matter of Poly-vinyl Alcohol using Diffuse-reflection Near Infrared SpectroscopyCHongfu Yuan, Jinchun Xie, Xiangjun Yan, Xinliang Zhao, Xiaoming Wang, Chunfeng Song,and Xiaoyu Li


Analysis of Components of Fabrics by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCMachiko Otani, Kengo Saito, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Discrimination of Cellulose Fibers by Infrared Spectroscopy and Linear Discriminant AnalysisCKengo Saito, Toru Yamagata, Norio Yoshimura, Manami Kanno and Masao Takayanagi


Application of NIR for Aspirin IdentificationCJomjai Peerapattana and Patanapong Choksakulsup


An Analysis on the Wintering Process of Sesame Oil as Crude Drug by use of 2DCOS and NIR/IR Dual Region SpectrometerCMasahiro Watari, , Akifumi Nagatomo, Shigeaki Morita, Takuma Genkawa, Yukihiro Ozaki


Distribution Analysis of Two Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Imported Anti-Malarial Drugs by Near-/Mid-IR ImagingCTomoaki Sakamoto, Hiroko Mineki, Yasuto Fujimaki, Noriko Katori, Naoto Kanbayashi, Shin-ichiro Fukuda and Yukihiro Goda


Elucidation of the Reaction Mechanism in Mechanochemical Synthesis of Zinc Containing Calcium Phosphate, and the Prediction of Their Crystallinity by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCHanae Saito, Takayuki Terukina, Yusuke Hattori, Tetsuo Sasaki, and Makoto Otsuka


Analysis of Milling-induced Amorphization of ƒΐ-Starch PowderCTomomi Takaku, Yusuke Hattori and Makoto Otsuka


Chemometric Analysis of the Effect of Pseudo-polymorphism in Caffeine on the Dissolution by Simultaneous-measurements of Near-infrared and Raman SpectroscopiesCRina Takeshima, Yusuke Hattori, Satoshi Managaki, and Makoto Otsuka


NIR Mapping of Polymorphism and Amorphous Atorvastatin Calcium Hydrate in a TabletCYusuke Hattori, Yurie Seko, Tomoaki Sakamoto, and Makoto Otsuka


An Evaluation of Surface Micro-Hardness of Tooth Specimen using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCP. Sodata, M. Otsuka, Y. Hattori, N. Juntavee, A. Juntavee, and J. Peerapattana


In-process (IPC) Testing of Pharmaceutical Micro-tablets by Hyperspectral Imaging Technique and Chemometric AnalysisCL. M. Kandpal, H. Bae, and B. Cho


Non-destructive Evaluation of Wood Density and MFA in High-spatial Resolution Using NIR Hyperspectral ImagingCT. Ma, T. Inagaki, and S. Tsuchikawa


Estimation of Specific Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity and its Related Near Infrared Spectral Bands in Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) WoodCS. Sugii, T. Fujimoto, and S. Tsuchikawa


Effect of dry thermal treatment on the Surface Appearance and Mechanical Properties of Cryptomeria japonicaCH. Kobori, A. Kajita, S. Ichijo, Y. Kojima, and S. Suzuki


Prediction of Wood Density in Oven Dry Condition Using Near Infrared Spectra Collected from Various Moisture ConditionsCT. Numa, and T. Fujimoto


Wood Quality of Japanese Oak for Barrel Usage Evaluated by NIR SpectroscopyCH. Tsutsumi, and T. Fujimoto


Evaluation of Optical Properties for Wood by Time-of-Flight Near Infrared SpectroscopyCM. Ban, T. Inagaki, and S. Tsuchikawa


Prediction of ADFom and Carbohydrate Content in Temperate Grasses using Near Infrared Reflectance SpectroscopyCK. Eguchi, and Y. Sanada


Method and Sensor for Estrus Detection in Dairy Cows by Means of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCA. Furukawa, S. Ishikawa, and K. Ikuta, R. Tsenkova,


Comparative Study of Methods for Modeling Spatial Distributions of Analytical Constituents in Processed Animal ProteinsCJ. A. Adame-Siles, D. C. Pérez-Marín, A. Garrido-Varo, and J. E. Guerrero-Ginel


Development of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Meat Quality Evaluation of Fattening Male Dairy Cattle Supplemented with Calcium SoapCO. Poungchompu, T. Tasiseang, K. Daengngam, T. Ouppamong, S. B. N. Sakolnagara, C. Vichasilp, P. Poungchompu,

S. Polyorach, and P. Panprasert


Effect of Milking Season on the Accuracy of Calibration Models for Milk Quality Determination using Near-infrared Spectroscopic Sensing System during MilkingCP. Iweka, S. Kawamura, T. Mitani, M. Yokoe, T. Okatani, and S. Koseki


Discrimination Between Fresh Apple and Stored Apple Using NIR Spectroscopy Combined with Hammering Test TechniqueCS.-M. Lee, M.-C. Jung, K.-H. Ku, H. Kobori, and R.-K. Cho


Spectroscopic Property of Apple Flesh with Enzymatic Browning by Diffuse Transmission MeasurementCM. Yoshimura, K. Matsubara, H. Ito, F. Tanaka, S. Kasai, Y. Uwadaira, and A.Ikehata


Usefulness of Ethanol Extractable Solid for Measuring Apple Quality using NIR
CS.-M. Lee, H.-J. Moon, S.-H. Kim, M.-C. Jung, K.-H. Ku, and R.-K. Cho


A New Index of the Maturity for Peaches Based on Pectin HydrolysisCY. Uwadaira, M. Yoshimura, T. Shoji, and A. Ikehata


Quantitative Analysis of Anaerobic Metabolites in Strawberry Fruit Using NIR
CM. Hatanaka, T. Genkawa, T. Ahamed, R. Noguchi, and T. Takigawa


Transmittance Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Firmness Detection of Marian Plum
(Bouea burmanica Griff.)
CS. Phonmakham, and S. Teerachaichayut


Prediction of Brix and Lycopene Content in Tomato Fruit by Portable Vis-NIR and NIR
CY. Matsumura, T. Inagaki, H. Yokochi, and S. Tsuchikawa


Discriminant Analysis of Lycopene Concentration using a Portable NIR-excited Raman
CR. Hara, T. Genkawa, T. Ahamed, R. Noguchi, and T. Takigawa


Non-Destructive Evaluation of Nitrate Content in vivo Spinach Leaf using NIR
CH. Yang, T. Inagaki, T. Ma, and S. Tsuchikawa


Viability and Vigor of Paddy Seeds Predicting using FT-NIRs and X-rayCS. Ratree, S. Treesoon, and P. Supprung


Rapid Detection of Wheat Seed Germination Rate Using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCJ.-Z. Wu, W.-F. Dong, Y. Chen, and C.-L. Liu


Measurement of Hydrogen Cyanide in Sorghum by Using Near Infrared Reflectance
CH. Shinoda, Y. Imai, and Y. Kawamoto


Detection of Rice Weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) Eggs and Internal Stage in Milled Rice
using FT-NIRs and X-ray
CP. Supprung, S. Treesoon, and S. Ratree


Determination of Total Polyphenol Content in Green and Black Teas Including Known
Cultivars using a Vis-NIR Spectroscopy
CM. Ranatunga, H. Ito, Y. Uwadaira, and A. Ikehata


Development of Rapid Measurement System for Sugar Production Process using Near
Infrared Spectroscopy
CS. Irei, E. Taira, and M. Ueno


Evaluation of Nonlinear Discrimination Methods for Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Identification of Geographical Origins of Diverse Agricultural SamplesCC. Eum, and H. Chung


Use of All Mapped Spectra in Drop-and-Dry Spectroscopic Measurements of Extracted Samples to Potentially Improve Accuracy of DiscriminationCD. Seol, Y. Lee, and H. Chung


Dry Rubber Content Determination in Para Rubber Latex by NIR in Short Wavelength RegionCS. Narongwongwattana, and R. Rittiron


Characterization of Hydrocolloids by Vibrational Spectroscopy and Multivariate AnalysisCK. Georgouli, D. Vincke, B. Carrasco, J. M. Del Rincon, J. A. F. Pierna, A. Koidis,and V. Baeten


Prediction of Final Product Texture by Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Cheese during CookingCY. Amo, and K. Inagaki


Determination of Rice Amylose Content by Combined Use of a Near-infrared Spectrometer and a Visible Light SegregatorCM. Kato, S. Kawamura, A. Jo, E. Olivares Dìaz, M. Yokoe, and S. Koseki


Rapid Determination of Moisture Content, Mold and Aflatoxin B1 in Corn using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCR. Ektasaeng, S. Tantinijakun, P. Khuwijitjaru, and B. Mahayothee


Prediction of Moisture Content in Sweet Corn by Reflectance NIR SpectroscopyCS. Suktanarak, S. Teerachaichayut, and P. Supprung


Development of Common Model for Determining Total Sugars to Sucrose Ratio of Osmotic Dehydrated Mango and Pineapple prior to Drying using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCB. Mahayothee, H. Poungjun, P. Khuwijitjaru, M. Nagle, and J. Müller


Classification of Lime Varieties by NIR SpectroscopyCH. T. Huong, S. Teerachaichayut, P. Supprung and T. Damrongpowan


Development of the Evaluation Method for Beef Cut during Drying Process by Visible and Near Infrared SpectroscopiesCD. Ishikawa, G. Ueno, and T. Fuji


Nondestructive Classification of Pork Meatball Containing Borax by Near Infrared SpectroscopyCS. Boonpiam, N. Suttiwijitpukdee, and S. Teerachaichayut


Prediction of Protein and Some Amino Acid in Fermented Meat ProductsCC. Vichasilp, and O. Poungchompu


Feasibility of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Observation on Traditional Fermented Soybean ProductionCJ.-H. Cheon, S.-M. Lee, K.-S. Lee, S.-H. Kim, and R.-K. Cho


Chemical Composition Changes in Fermentation Process of Japanese Miso (Homemade Bean Paste) by NIR StudyCY. Kobayashi, and N. Katayama


Correlating Visible/Near Infrared Spectra with Sensory Evaluation Values of Miso PasteCJ. Y. Chen, Y. Waizumi, S. Wang, X. Liu, and H. ZhangT. Watanabe, T. Tamura,N. Kyouno, and Y. Miao


Relationships between Visible/Near Infrared Spectra and Sensory Evaluations of Soy SauceCH. Zhang, Y. Waizumi, S. Wang, X. Liu, T. Watanabe, T. Tamura, N. Kyouno, Y. Miao and J. Y. Chen


Evaluation of Tofu Quality Based on Optical Properties by Spatially Resolved Diffuse Reflectance at 633 nm of WavelengthCY. Saito, T. Suzuki, and N. Kondo


Kinetic Analysis of Visible-Near Infrared Spectra in Maillard ReactionCN. Suttiwijitpukdee, and A. Ikehata


Infrared Spectroscopic Features of Red Wines during Bottle AgingCA. Hashimoto, N. Matsubara, K. Suehara, and T. Kameoka


Alcohol Content Evaluation of Alcoholic Beverage by using a 1.8 mm Band Broadband Light SourceCS. Tujita, F. Hanafuji, X. Du, T. Endo, O. Koyama, J. Ono, and M. Yamada


Near-Infrared Optical Properties of White Bread using the Light Propagation ModelCH. Fujii, G. Nishimura, K. Hattori, K. Kobayashi, and M. Watanabe


Analysis of NIR Spectra of Frozen Food in Melting ProcessCA. Yamawaki, T. Genkawa, T. Ahamed, R. Noguchi, and T. Takigawa


Identification of adulteration in roasted coffee powder using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopyCM. R. Ahmed, and B. Cho


FT-NIR Spectral Analysis Combined with Multivariate Analysis for the Quantitative Evaluation of Sesame Oil Adulterated with BenzeneCR. Joshi, and B. Cho


Testimony of adulterant in true cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) powder by FT-NIR Sspectroscopy and multivariate regressionCJ. Yasmin, S. Lohumi, M. R. Ahmed, R. Joshi, and B. Cho


Real-Time Monitoring of Saccharide Concentrations in Simulated Moving-Bed ChromatographyCK. Inagaki, and Y. Yamashita


Objective Thresholding of Variable Selection for PLS Modeling by Stepwise Selectivity Ratio MethodCM. Tsuta, V. Trivittayasil, R. Aiyama, Y. Otagiri, and A. Obata


Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Monitor the Progression of Dormancy and Sprouting within Potato TubersCJ. Garnett, N. Wellner, G. Downey and E. K. Kemsley


Rapid determination of quality indicators in Shenzhiling oral liquid by micro near spectroscopyCL. Nie, H-C. Zang, Y-Z. Zeng, L. Li, W-W. Jiang



31st NIR Forum

November 25-27, 2015

University of Tsukuba


Perspectives in Process Analysis: Robustness of Hyperspectral Imaging for Quality and Process ControlCRudolf W. Kessler


Development of near infrared imaging devises and its applicationsCDaitaro Ishikawa


Simultaneous imaging of temperature and concentration of aqueous solutions using the near-infrared absorption characteristics of waterCNaoto Kakuta


Frequencies and intensities of overtones -hydrogen bonding and solvent effect-CYoshisuke Futami


Approaches to the research of non-invasive blood monitoringCHiromitsu Furukawa


Exploring protein and water molecular dynamics during the nucleation of amyloid fibrilsCEri Chatani and Roumiana Tsenkova


Tracing Geographical Origin of Food Using Stable Isotope Analyses of Water with Cavity Ring-Down SpectrometryCYaeko Suzuki


Research of salt effects on amyloid fibrils formation by NIRCYukari Itakura, Takato Hiramatsu, Eri Chatani, Roumiana Tsenkova


Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging Studies of Fertilized Fish Eggs: In Vivo Monitoring of Egg Growth at the Molecular LevelCMika Ishigaki, Shoya Kawasaki, Daitaro Ishikawa, Yukihiro Ozaki


An Influence of hardware of NIR spectrometer on instrumental differenceCTsutomu Okura, Shanji Piao


Rheo-optical NIR analysis of polymer blendsCHideyuki Shinzawa


Study of the conductive mechanism of the Nafion membrane using near infrared spectroscopy below freezing temperatureCKouno Yuu, Matsushima Hisayoshi, Ohtsuka Toshiaki, Ueda Mikito


Analysis of fabrics by infrared spectroscopy and chemometricsCToru Yamagata, Manami Kanno, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Existence and fluctuation of glucose-linked wavelength in short-wave NIR regionCYasuhiro Uwadaira, Akifumi Ikehata, Akiko Momose, Masayo Miura


Ultrasonic-assisted spectroscopic imaging of whole bloodCYuka Kono, Kosuke Nogo,Keita Mori Akira Nishiyama, Kenji Wadaand Ichiro Ishimaru


Near-infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of granulation process in high speed mixer granulationCRyo Omata, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Development of an NIR calibration model with temperature compensation using common temperature-difference spectra for determining the Brix value of intact
peach, pear and persimmon fruits
CP. Jannok, T. Shinomiya, Y. Kamitani, K. Hironaka and S. Kawano


Non-destructive determination of flesh red character in harvest eBlack Diamondf plums using Vis/Near-infrared spectroscopic techniqueCLI Ming, HAN Donghai, LV Wenbo, GUO Huixin, ZHAO Ruiand LIU Jing


Development of a prototype NIR instrument of a rapid quality evaluation technology of sweet potatos gAnnohCM. Matsuo, A. Yamawaki, K. Nagatani, T. Miyahara, K. Kitahara, Y. Kamitaniand S. Kawano


Determination of the optical properties of melons and numerical analysis using a light propagation modelCKiyohito Hattori, Hiroyuki Fujii,Goro Nishimura,Kazumichi Kobayashi,and Masao Watanabe,


Possibility of classification of soils basing on spectra in near infrared measurement-Verification of the effect of spectra classification using SIMCA-CYoshisato Ootake


Freshness Evaluation of Export Fruits Using NIR spectroscopyCMiho Hatanaka, Takuma Genkawa, Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi, Tomohiro Takigawa


Acceleration of calculations for Moving Window with CUDACKengo Saito, Toru Yamagata, Norio Yosimura, Masao Takayanagi


Reproduction of color photograph by hyperspectral imagingCYuki Yamazaki, Yuji Miyato, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Measurement of organic impurities in PTFE using CompovisionTM (near-infrared composition imaging system)CTetsu Morishima, Toshiaki Okuno, Shingo Fukuda, Yoshimasa Suzuki


Evaluation of Non-uniformed Structures in Polymer using Near-infrared Spectroscopic ImagingCShun Muroga, Yuta Hikima, Takuya Nanjo, Toshiaki Okuno, and Masahiro Ohshima


Analysis of Medaka Eggs by NIR ImagingCA. Ohnishi, M. Nara


A study of discrimination method for normal and abnormal fish eggs by using near infrared spectroscopy and imagingCYui Yasui, Mika Ishigaki, Ozaki Yukihiro


Variation of hydrogen-bond network in water upon dissolution of hydroxide ion analyzed by near-Infrared spectroscopyCSayaka KATSU, Naruya UCHIDA, Norio YOSHIMURA, Masao TAKAYANAGI


Near infrared absorption spectra of diols]Difference of spectra in liquid and solid statesCYuta Toyama, Kohei Murakami, Norio Yoshimura and Masao Takayanagi


Temperature dependency on the near-infrared absorption spectrum of alcohol solutionCM. Yamada, S. Tujita, K. Senda, J. Ono, T. Endo, O. Koyama


Synthesis of a Near-IR Luminescent Complex Derived from CatecholCSatoshi Shinoda, Takurou Hirooka, Chiharu Tokuda, and Hiroyuki Miyake


In-situ measurement of swelling of PMMA during supercritical CO2 sorptionCShohei Miyaoka, Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Monitoring of hydrogen peroxide gas concentration for sterilization process using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCYutaro Tsuchisaka, Issei Yokoyama, So Takagi, Yoshihiro Mori


Near infrared surface plasmon induced RCA (Rolling Circle Amplification) reaction and its application to ultra-high sensitive SPR biosensingCYuki Kawahara, Hisaka Kajimoto, and Akito Ishida


Handheld liquid explosive detector by using LEDCKeisuke Uekawa, Shiori Ito, Daichi Oura, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Liquid analysis using NIR LEDCShiori Ito, Keisuke Uekawa, Daichi Oura, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Development of field-portable pesticide measurement system using NIR wideband glass phosphor combined with LED and FT spectrometerCHiroki Uemura, Shingo Fuchi, Ryo Kato, Keiji Amano, Kenichi Hiraizumi, Hiroshi Hayase and Yoshikazu Takeda


Construction of spectral library for various biological substances measured with near-infrared spectroscopyCMitsuru Yasuda, Yuka Kokeguchi, D. Marlina, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Examination of performance needed for the equipment used for ingredients evaluation of blueberry fruitsCYusuke KIMURA, Wenming BAI, Norio YOSHIMURA, and Masao TAKAYANAGI


Non-destructive estimation of sugar components in strawberry fruits using NIR spectroscopyCTakuya Tanabe, Hayato Seki, Rie Aoyama, Masaru Kashiwazaki


Non-destructive quality evaluation of postharvest peach fruit by VIS-NIR spectroscopyCYasuhiro Uwadaira, Yoshiki Tsukakoshi, Masatoshi Yoshimura, Toshihiko Shoji and Akifumi Ikehata


Non-destructive analysis of tannin content and antioxidant activity in single sorghum seed by near-infrared spectroscopyCKentaro Eguchi and Tomoyuki Takai


Development of Non-destructive Determining Methods using Visible / Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Anthocyanin on eTaroccof Blood Orange Packed with Plastic Films IndividuallyCFumiaki Itou, Takeshi Yamadaand Hisao Inoue


Quality evaluation of tomato juice by VIS-NIR spectroscopyCMasatoshi Yoshimura, Yasuhiro Uwadaira, Akifumi Ikehata, Yuji Otagiri, Akio Obata


Nondestructive detection of lycopene in functional carrot gKoikurenaih using NIR-excited Raman spectroscopyCTakuma Genkawa, Yoichi Mihara, Hideya Miyazaki, Akira Oshima, Tadashi Baba and Akihiro Hino


Nondestructive detection of carotenoids in fruits and vegetables using a hand-held NIR-excited (785 nm) Raman spectrometerCRisa Hara, Takuma Genkawa, Yukihiro Ozaki, Kazuki Watanabe, Norio Yasuda and Masahiro Watari


Nondestructive evaluation of total nitrogen, total carbon, water content using NIRCChinatsu Minagawa, Tetsuya Inagaki, Hideyuki Yokochi and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluating the color of tuna meat using visible/near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Shintaro Imamura, Michiko Suzuki, Yuji Omura


Analysis of NIR spectra of various melting ice creamCAyuko Yamawaki, Takuma Genkawa, Kodai Murayama, Daitaro Ishikawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Mechanism study of change in allergenicity of milk proteins during yogurt fermentation with near infrared spectroscopyCHuan Liu, Donghai Han, Nsoshi Kondo


High resolution NIR imaging in the food composition with CompovisionCTakuya Nanjo and Toshiaki Okuno


Rapid inspection method for sugar process samples using Vis-IR spectroscopyCEizo TAIRA, Kazuki YOSHIMOTO, Masami UENO


Near-infrared spectrum of indigestible dextrin solutionCMasaki Ono , Yuji Miyato , Hideo Akaba , Hideo Itozaki


Possibility of non-destructive method for species identification of historical wooden artifacts using NIR spectroscopyCHisashi Abe, Ken Watanabe, Atsuko Ishikawa, Shuichi Noshiro, Tomoyuki Fujii, Mitsuharu Iwasa, Hiroaki Kaneko, Hiroshi Wada


Mapping of Moisture Content in wood using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral ImagingCTe Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Guanxiong Wang, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Visualization of acetylation degree in beechwood by NIR hyperspectral imagingCTetsuya Inagaki, Katsuya Mitsui, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluation of spatial distribution of wood properties using hyperspectral imaging methodCToshiki Numa, Shiho Sugii, Takaaki Fujimoto, Kazushige Matsumoto, Yoshinori Ohashi,Hikaru Kobori and Satoru Tsuchikawa


In-line Real-time measurement of RAM technology in the pharmaceutical powder particle mixingCRyoma Tanaka, Naoyuki Takahashi, Yasuaki Nakamura, Yusuke Hattori, Kazuhide Ashizawa, Makoto Otsuka


Real-time monitoring of the tablet coating process and prediction of formulation characteristics by NIRCMisuzu Sugata, Hitoshi Kamata, Makoto Nagata, Takuya Nagato, Yusuke Hattori , Makoto Otuka


Drying monitoring in the spherical granule production by using NIRCTakahiro Hosogoshi , Yusuke Hattori , Makoto Otsuka


Simultaneous measurements of near infrared and Raman spectroscopy of pseudo-polymorphic transition of theophyllineCYusuke HATTORI, Makoto OTSUKA


Distribution analysis of pharmaceutical components in the accurate cutting tablet section for investigation of commercial tablets on the market by a microscopic NIR spectroscopyCTomoaki Sakamoto, Yasuto Fujimaki, Hiroko Minegishi, Seiji Koganei, Naoto Kambayashi, Shin-ichiro Fukuda, Noriko Katori, Yukihiro Goda


Near-infrared spectroscopic analysis for DNA electrophoresisCMitsuru Yasuda, Takuo Akimoto, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Measurement of urinary estrogen metabolite concentration with filter paper by near infrared spectroscopy in Bornean Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus)CKodzue Kinoshita, Nouko Kuze, Toshio Kobayashi, Etsuko Miyakawa, Hiromitsu Narita, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Genfichi Idani, Roumiana Tsenkova


Study on adulteration detecting of orange juice by the method of Near Infrared SpectroscopyCGuo Huixin, Han Donghai


Applicability of non-destructive measurement for alcohol extractable solid as quality factor of Fuji appleCSeon Mi Lee, Moon Cheol Jeong, Rae Kwang Cho



30th Memorial NIR Forum

November 26-28, 2014

University of Tsukuba


Trends in NIR research - an NIR news editor 's perspectiveCGerard Downey


NIR development history of ChinaCHan Donghai


Near infrared spectroscopic measurements of phase equilibria of mixtures with high-pressure carbon dioxideCYoshihiro Takebayashi


Development of physiological monitoring in wild animals by near-infrared spectroscopyCKodzue Kinoshita


NIR spectroscopic study of the pharmaceutical process monitoring and products propertiesCYusuke Hattori


Development of innovative near infrared imaging devises and its applicationsCDaitaro Ishikawa


Nondestructive measurement technique of fruit sugar content with near-infrared lasersCYoshiaki Shimomura


Visualization of acid-base reaction in microchannels by using the near infrared absorption imaging techniqueCDaisuke Kawashima, Naoto Kakuta, Katsuya Kondo, Hidenobu Arimoto and Yukio Yamada


FT-NIR Imaging of Spherulite in Melt Processed PolylactideCYuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima


Evaluation of Polylactide Deterioration during Melt Processing by Near-infrared SpectraCShun MUROGA, Yuta HIKIMA, Masahiro OHSHIMA


Development of DNA electrophoresis analysis based on near-infrared spectroscopyCMitsuru Yasuda, Takuo Akimoto, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Comparison of Different Approaches of Instrument Standardization: Application to Portable Spectrometers for Estimation of Blood Hematocrit of CattleCXuan Luo, Akifumi Ikehata, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Piao, Tsutomu Okura and Yutaka Terada


Rheo-optical NIR study of polymer nancompositesCHideyuki Shinzawa


Is logarithmic transformation (log 1/R) always necessary in diffuse reflectance measurement?COOTAKE Yoshisato


Variation of near-infrared spectra of water by ionCNaruya Uchida, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


Development of a prototype NIR instrument for measuring sweetness of sweet potatos gAnnoh, and evaluation of its performanceCM. Matsuo, K. Ueno, T. Miyahara, K. Kitahara, Y. Kamitaniand S. Kawano


Non-destructive inspection of foreign matters in food products using visible and near infrared imaging methodCTe Ma, Hikaru Kobori, Norihisa Katayama and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluation of optical properties for wood material by Time-of-Flight near-infrared spectroscopy-Calculation of absorption and scattering coefficients with light diffusion simulation-CRyunosuke Kitamura, Tetsuya Inagaki, Hikaru Kobori, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Vibrational spectroscopic analysis in second overtone of chiral and racemic synthetic antibacterialsCTomoaki Sakamoto, Koudai Murayama, Yasuto Fujimaki, Masahiro Kitagawa, Seiji Koganei, Makoto Komiyama, Noriko Katori, and Yukihiro Goda


Simple identification of atorvastatin counterfeit medicines by near-infrared spectroscopy and the near-infrared microscopic mapping analysisCYurie Seko, Yusuke Hattori, Jomjai Peerapattana, Kuniko Otsuka, Kinya Eguchi, Tomoaki Sakamoto and Makoto Otsuka


Prediction of tablet porosity using transmission and reflection of near-infrared and visible lightCHideaki Fuji, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Effect of indometacin crystallization in organic solvent vapors by near-infrared spectroscopyCNaoto Hirota, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Prediction of film thickness and amount of coating on film coating tablet by using NIR and OCTCSugata Misuzu, Makino Yuji, Hattori Yusuke, Otuka Makoto


Analysis of dehydration behavior of Atorvastatin hydrate crystal by NIRCMakiko Kobayashi, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Spheroidizing process monitoring of a granule formulation by using NIRCTakahiro Hosogoshi , Yusuke Hattori , Makoto Otsuka


Monitoring of lubricant blend uniformity using calibration models of magnesium stearate / excipientsCFumiaki Okazaki, , Kenji Egusa, Koichi Wada, Yosuke Hattori and Makoto Otsuka


Comparison of NIR and ATR-THz spectra of agricultural produces and foodCTakuma Genkawa, Mika Takeshima, Miho Hatanaka, Ahamed Tofael, Ryozo Noguchi, Tomohiro Takigawa


Analysis of near-infrared radiation generated by gas plasma device developed for disinfection of agricultural productsCAkikazu Sakudo, Yoichi Toyokawa, Kei Funakoshi, Tatsuya Misawa, Nobuya Hayashi, Yoshito Yagyu


Detection of insect in the bud of carnation by near infrared spectroscopy- Discrimination of normal and infested buds -CShin-ichiro Kodama, Toshihiko Hiratani, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Possibility of determination of citiric acid in intact Satsuma mandarin using NIR transmittanceCMasahiro Takeguchi, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Potential of Non-destructively Determining the Specific Gravity using Visible / near-Infrared SpectroscopyCFumiaki Itou and Takashi Kikuchi


Development of nondestructive detection method for internal disorder of pineapple fruit using VIS-NIR spectroscopyCE. TAIRA, R. HIYANE, M SAKUGAWA, M. UENO and Y. HONDA


Assessment of firmness of peach fruit from ATR-FTIR spectra of the juiceCYasuhiro Uwadaira, Yoshiki Tsukakoshi, Masatoshi Yoshimura, Xuan Luo and Akifumi Ikehata


Prediction of storage time of apple by VIS-NIR spectroscopyCMasatoshi Yoshimura, Sen Ra, Yasuhiro Uwadaira, Akifumi Ikehata


NIR methods for determining dry matter of Chinese yam and hybrid cultivar hNebarikkohCYoshikazu Kitayama and Akifumi Ikehata


Non-destructive quality evaluation of Panax ginseng by spectroscopyCXijun Chen, Tetsuya Inagaki, Norihisa Katayamaand Satoru Tsuchikawa


Predicting the moisture content of various surimi using near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Taiki Nakamura, Junichi Tahira, Yuji Omura, Kazufumi Osako, Emiko Okazaki


Analysis of the degradation degree of frying oil by near infrared spectroscopyCYutaka Hiruma, Tomohiro Tuchiya, Han Zhang, Jie Yu Chen


Study on viscosity characteristic of soy milk using band shift of NIR spectra–Sample pretreatment to enhance the change of bands in food protein–CYu Kawahara, Takuma Genkawa, Ahamed Tofael, Ryozo Noguchi, Tomohiro Takigawa


Analysis of sake by near infrared spectraCKeisuke Uekawa, Shiori Ito, Shogo Asano, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Alcohol concentration evaluation of saki by using broadband light source in 1.7 ƒΚm bandCJ. Ono, T. Endo, K. Ohta, O. Koyama, M. Yamada


Detection of estrus in dairy cows by means of near infrared spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCGo Takemura, Gyorgy Bazar, Kentarou Ikuta, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shou Ishikawa, Akane Furukawa,Yosuke Kubota, Roumiana Tsenkova


Freshness Assessment of Raw Milk Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCManami Osawa, Kentarou Ikuta, Yousuke Kubota, Roumiana Tsenkova


Analysis of the Melamine in Milk Powder with NIR Imaging and Adulterant ScreeningCY. Akatsuka, M. Morimoto, A. Ohnishi


Simplified Component Analysis of Milk Powder with Adulterant ScreeningCY. Akatsukayous, M. Morimoto, C. Schomburg, R. Packer, S. Palmer, B. Perston, A. Ohnishi


Measurement of Lactic Buffering Capacity in grass by NIRS.CHideshi Shinoda, Toshiharu Miura, Shu Kogawa


Prediction of Fermentation Quality in Rice Grain Silage by Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy:Reflection mode/transmittance modeCKentaro Eguchi


Predicting the methemoglobin of cattle blood using the portable NIR spectrometerCYutaka Terada, Akifumi Ikehata, Xuan Luo, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Piao, Tsutomu Okura and Yoshio Nakamura


Species identification of leopard (Panthera pardus) and serval (Leptailurus serval) by fecal near infrared spectroscopyCKodzue Kinoshita, Nobuko Nakazawa, Eiji Inoue, Roumiana Tsenkova, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Genfichi Idani


Evaluation of wood degradation by NIR spectroscopy_Chemical kinetic analysisCTetsuya Inagaki, Miyuki Matsuo and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Nondestructive measurement for wood quality by using pico second near-infrared pulsed laserCYohei KURATA, Ryunosuke KITAMURA, Hideyuki YOKOCHI, Satoru TSUCHIKAWA


Variation of NIR spectra in wood surface under drying processCTakaaki Fujimoto , Numa Toshiki , Tetsuya Inagaki , Satoru Tsuchikawa


Evaluation of chemical composition in wood using NIR hyperspectral imaging-Fundamental consideration by the model samples-CTe Ma, Tetsuya Inagaki, Guanxiong Wang, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Comparing NIR spectra of decomposed conifer woods collected from different region of Japan.CYoshimi Sakai, Shigehiro Ishizuka and Wakako Omura


Liquid fertilizer component analysis by near-infrared spectroscopyCMitsuru Yasuda, Tsai Wei Tseng, Mika Ishigaki, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Analysis of the interaction between flavonoids and alcohol by near infrared spectroscopyCHideyuki Abe and Toshikazu Morishita


Study of absorption intensity for fundamental and overtones of OH stretching in alcohol; contrast between hydrogen-bonding free and aggregate speciesCMisaki Tatsumi, Yukihiro Teramoto and Yusuke Morisawa


Spectral Variations on the OH Band of Water Induced by Organic Compounds AdditionCKoji Okujima, Shigeaki Morita


Composition analysis of sulfuric acid - hydrofluoric acid electropolishing solution by NIR spectroscopyCHideaki Monjushiro, Mitsuru Sato, and Motoaki Sawabe


Research of water molecular bonding changes in amyloid fibrils formation by NIRCYukari Itakura, Takato Hiramatsu, Eri Chatani, Roumiana Tsenkova


Analysis of Solvent-Induced Crystallization Process of Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) by using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCTsai Wei Tseng, Daitaro Ishikawa, Kanet Wongravee, Young Mee Jung, Kummetha Raghunatha Reddy, Harumi Sato, Yukihiro Ozaki


Stereo Complex Crystallization of Poly (L-lactic Acid)/Poly (D-Lactic Acid) Blends by using NIR imagingCDaiki Furukawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Harumi Sato, Miwa Ishigaki, Kummetha Raghunatha Reddy and Yukihiro Ozaki


Rheo-optical NIR study of polymer nancompositesCHideyuki Shinzawa


Analysis of cellulose fibers by infrared spectroscopyCToru Yamagata, Manami Kanno, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


Assesment of tolerance of genus Lactobacillus to human digestive fluids using NIRS and AquaphotomicsCHaruki Koshiba, Aleksandar Slavchev, Zoltan Kovacs, Airi Nagai and Roumiana Tsenkova


The biological analysis of fish egg (japanese medaka) by using near infrared imagingCShoya Kawasaki, Mika Ishigaki, Daiki Furukawa, Daitaro Ishikawa,, Mitsuru Yasuda, Yukihiro Ozaki


Measurement of component concentration in bio-fuel using CompovisionCTetsu Morishima, Hayato Fujita, Hiroshi Suganuma, Akihito Nakanishi, Tomohisa Hasunuma


Accuracy validation of quantitative composition distribution with CompovisionCTakuya Nanjo, Hiroki Ishikawa, Masumi Ito and Toshiaki Okuno


Visualization of water distribution by laser scanning spectral imagingCTatsuo Itoh, Nawatt Silawan and Koichi Kusukame


Compact liquid device using NIR LEDCShiori Ito, Keisuke Uekawa, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Development of NIR spectrometry system using glass phosphor combined LED\ Application to pesticide detection \CHiroki Uemura, Shingo Fuchi, Ryo Kato, Keiji Amano, Kenichi Hiraizumi, Hiroshi Hayase and Yoshikazu Takeda


Liquid detector device in both bottle by near infrared and can by ultrasonic waveCShougo Asano, Masaki Oono, Yuji Miyato,Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Development of near infrared spectroscopy system using broadband light source measurement of organic solventsCT. Endo, J. Ono, K. Ohta, O. Koyama, M. Yamada



29th NIR Forum

November 27-29, 2013

Tsukuba Center for Institutes


Hyperspectral imaging technologies for food safety and quality evaluation: NIR imaging for detection of food adulterantCMoon S. Kim, Xiaping Fu, Jongguk Lim, Hoyoung Lee, and Diane Chan


Near-infrared analysis technology working together for 30 yearsCRae Kwang CHO


A result of comprehensive literature retrieval regarding analytical techniques for quality control in food manufacturing processCMutsuo Iwamoto


Report on NIR2013CJun Uozumi


Development of an online NIR/mid-IR dual-region spectrometer and its applicationCTakuma Genkawa


Multiple information measurement for biological materials by NIR imagingCHikaru Kobori


Determination of glycated hemoglobin by drop coated deposition Near-infrared spectroscopyCNicolas Spegazzini, Yukihiro Ozaki


Rapid concentration analysis of pickling liquid in steel productionCTomohiro Matsushima, Masao Inose, Shigeyuki Aizawa, Kazunori Tahara, Toshiki Ohara and Hideko Tanaka


NIR Luminescence of Nano-Size Lanthanide Complex Assembly in Aqueous SolutionCSatoshi SHINODA and Takuya SAGAMI


Visualization of water distribution in facial skin and hair using novel high-sensitivity water imaging systemsCMariko Egawa, Motohiro Yanai, Hidenobu Arimoto, Motofumi Hagihara, Kumiko Kikuchi, Yuji Masuda


How to control peak positions of derivative spectraCJun Uozumi


Rheo-optical NIR spectroscopy for probing deformation behavior of plastic materialsCHideyuki Shinzawa, Wataru Kanematsu


Study on the evaluation of inhomogeneity in the tablet by using near infrared imaging C Daitaro Ishikawa, Kodai Murayama, Takuma Genkawa, Hiroyuki Sugino, Makoto Komiyama and Yukihiro Ozaki


Detection system for small amount of substances using a metal meshCTakashi Kondo, Seiji Kamba, Tetsuhito Suzuki, Yuichi Ogawa, Naoshi Kondo, Hirokazu Seto, Yoshiko Miura, Shigeki Nashima, and Makoto Hasegawa


Near-infrared spectroscopy by using newly developed 1.7 mm ASE light sourceCY. Maeda, T. Endo, T. Tanaka, K. Senda, K. Ohta, O. Koyama, J. Ono, M. Yamada


Aquaphotomics for quantification of weak signalsCRoumiana Tsenkova


Development of NIR photometer for harvest control of small size fruitsCHiromichi Aoki, Masaru Kashiwazaki


Detection of Parasites in Fishes by Imaging SpectroscopyCToshinori Honma, Toshimasa Iijima, Shinfya Okazaki


Evaluation of wood quality by Time Resolved NIR spectroscopy- Estimation of average optical path length by Monte Carlo simulation -CRyunosuke Kitamura, Tetsuya Inagaki, Hikaru Kobori and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Development of rapid determining method of starch in raw sweet potato "An-nou" using NIR method- Analysis of measurement error due to differences in chemical analysis -CA.Asakuni, K.Ueno, T.Miyahara, M.Matsuo, K.Kitahara, Y.Kamitani and S.Kawano


Estimation of microstructure of ice cream in melting process using near-infrared spectroscopyCHideaki Kato, Takuma Genkawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi, Tomohiro Takigawa, Kodai Murayama, Sugino Hiroyuki, Makoto Komiyama and Yukihiro Ozaki


Integration of NIRS, Fluorescence Fingerprint and Chemical Analyses for the Monitoring of Awamori AgingCM. Tsuta, E. Taira, M. Tsukahara, S. Toma, J. Sugiyama, K. Fujita, M. Shibata, M. Yoshimura and M. Kokawa


Detection limit of NIR spectroscopy-In case of potassium hydrogen phthalate in aqueous solution-CTetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Composition analysis of sulfuric acid-hydroflouric acid electropolishing solution by NIR spectroscopyCHideaki Monjushiro, Mitsuru Sato, and Motoaki Sawabe


Evaluation of alcohol beverages in near infraredCKeisuke Uekawa, Jun Kondo, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Hyperspectral imaging of biological cellsCYuki Yamazaki, Jun Kondo, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Study on the heterogeneity of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) /poly-D-lactic acid (PDLA) stereo-complex film by using near infrared imagingCDaiki Furukawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Kummetha Raghunatha Reddy and Yukihiro Ozaki


Reproduction of photograph by hyperspectral imagingCShougo Asano, Jun Kondo, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Wide are imaging of polymer by using CompovisionCDaitaro Ishikawa, Daiki Furukawa, Fumiaki Mizuno,and Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of NIR sensor for measuring viable bacterial count in drinking water: low bacterial concentration detection in solutionCHaruki Koshiba, Roumiana Tsenkova


Development of the toxic substance analyzer using near infrared wideband glass phosphor LEDCHiroki Uemura, Shingo Fuchi, Ryo Kato, Keiji Amano, Kenichi Hiraizumi, Hiroshi Hayase, and Yoshikazu Takeda


Molecular vibration spectral analysis of the action of a binder during a wet granulation and a drying processCTomoaki Sakamoto, Tetsuo Sasaki, Hiroko Kimura, Noriko Katori, Yukihiro Goda


Evaluation of Crystallinity of Microcrystalline Cellulose in Pharmaceutical Tablets by Near-infrared spectroscopyCKimie Awa, Hideyuki Shinzawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Quantitative Analyses of excipients in the Drug Products by NIRCFumiaki Okazaki, Takaaki Nishioka, Takayuki Kamata, Takeshi Sawada, Kenji Egusa and Makoto Otsuka


NIR monitoring of water adsorption and swelling of HPC/HPMC filmCYusuke Hattori, Kanami Takahashi, Makoto Otsuka


Near-infrared monitoring of indomethacin crystallizationCNaoto Hirota, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Analysis of amorphization process and prediction of crystallinity and solubility by near-infrared spectroscopyCMakiko Kobayashi, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Blend uniformity end-point determination using on-line near-infrared spectrometerCKodai Murayama, Takuma Genkawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Hiroyuki Sugino, Makoto Komiyama and Yukihiro Ozaki


Basic study on development of the freshness measuring method of an egg by UV excited fluorescence.CMomoe Nishizako, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Predicting the fat content of Pacific saury using near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Yuji Omura, Toshihiro Yamashita and Masaki Kaneniwa


NIR Imaging for Predicting Freshness of CabbageCXuan Luo, Akifumi Ikehata, Tomohiro Masuda, Kazuya Matsubara, Yuji Wada


Development of rapid determining method of starch of raw sweet potato "An-nou" using NIR method- Identification of optimum reference in transmittance method -CA.Asakuni, T.Miyahara, Y.Takumi,  Y.Kamitani and S.Kawano


Measurement of Total Anthocyanins in Blueberry with Hyperspectral CameraCWenming BAI, Norio YOSHIMURA and Masao TAKAYANAGI


Non-destructive quality evaluation of panax ginseng by near-infrared spectroscopy\An examination of the quantitation limits of saponin using model specimens\CXijun Chen, Tetsuya Inagaki,  Norihisa Katayama and Satoru Tsuchikawa


NIR study on ripening process of handmade bean paste gmisohCNorihisa KATAYAMA and Yukiyo KOBAYASHI


Nondestructive evaluation by NIR spectroscopy for vacuum cooking systemCJunko HASEGAWA and Norihisa KATAYAMA


Process analysis of change in soymilk viscosity using near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopyCYu Kawahara, Takuma Genkawa, Tofael Ahamed, Ryozo Noguchi, Tomohiro Takigawa


Evaluation of concentration dependence of self-association of rutin by VIS-NIR spectroscopyCHideyuki Abe, Yuji Mukasa and Toshikazu Morishita


Non-destructive inspection of foreign matter in food products using spectral imaging The possibility of the detection of organic foreign matter in the vicinity of sample surfaceCTe Ma, Hikaru Kobori, Norihisa Katayama, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Prediction of chemical composition and fermentation quality in barley silage using NIRSCKentaro Eguchi and Setsuro Sato


Analysis of TMR material by NIRCPark Shanji, Kunio Sashida, Tsutomu Okura, Masahiro Amari and Kazuhisa Nonaka


Cowfs estrus diagnostics by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCGo Takemura, G. Bazar, Kentarou Ikuta and Etsuji Yamaguchi, R. Tsenkova


Development and application of portable NIR spectrometer for anemia examination in cattle CYutaka Terada, Akifumi Ikehata, Luo Xuan, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Park and Tsutomu Okura


Sex determination by fecal near infrared spectroscopy in serval (Leptailurus serval)CKodzue Kinoshita&, Eiji Inoue, Roumiana Tsenkova, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Genfichi Idani


Nondestructive measurement for wood quality by using pico second near-infrared pulsed laserCYohei KURATA, Ryunosuke KITAMURA, Hideyuki YOKOCHI, Satoru TSUCHIKAWA


Estimation of breeding value using near infrared spectra in Cryptomeria japonicaCKeisuke Chiyoda , Takaaki Fujimoto , Keiya Isoda


Simple detection of Japanese cedar pollen by using metallic mesh sensorCTetsuhito Suzuki, Yuichi Ogawa, Naoshi Kondo, Takashi Kondo and Seiji Kamba


Analysis of inhomogeneity in poly lactic acid (PLA)/poly (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) blends during UV Photolysis Process by using a newly developed NIR imaging camera (Compovision)CTseng Tsai Wei, Daitaro Ishikawa, Daiki Furukawa, Kummetha Raghunatha Reddy, Harumi Sato, and Yukihiro Ozaki



28th NIR Forum

March 6-9, 2013

Okinawa Gender Equality Center gTiruruh


Updating the Italian experiences on NIR application in dairy field and agricultural scienceCTiziana M. P. Cattaneo


The history of near infrared spectroscopic analysis in Thailand:Past, Present and FutureCWarunee Thanapase


An advanced agricultural production systemh Dehji-Farmh for sub-tropical small islands using photo-sensingCMasami Ueno, Eizo Taira, Yoshinobu Kawamitsu


Outlierfs Points of View on Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCMizuki Tsuta


Establishment of NIR ArchaeometryCTetsuya Inagaki


Ytterbium-substituted transferrin and lactoferrin for near-infrared luminescent pH indicationCSatoshi Shinoda


Near Infrared Spectroscopy – Instrumental Technology and its problemCTsutomu Okura


Perspective of studies on near infrared spectroscopy in cattle feedCMasahiro Amari


Development of the fruit-sorting machine and the biological sensing instruments  for good fruit production using NIRSCKumi Miyamoto


NIR-MIR PCMW2D Correlation Analysis of Epoxy Curing ReactionCShigeaki Morita and Hideki Yamasaki


Absorption Intensities of First, Second, Third Overtones in AlcoholsCYusuke Morisawa, Arisa Suga, Yukihiro Ozaki


NIR hyperspectral image analysis of polylactic acid (PLA) drawn fibers in conjunction with round-trip temperature scan protocolCHideyuki Shinzawa, Masakazu Nishida, Wataru Kanematsu


Spectral Augmentation in Calibration-Free Kinetic Estimation for in situ NIR Monitoring of Polymerization Reaction Applied to Industrial Chemical ProcessCNicolas Spegazzini and Yukihiro Ozaki


Surface functions of metal oxides powder and the applicationCYoko Kobayashi


Simultaneous imaging of temperature and concentration of aqueous solutions in a microchannel using the near-infrared absorption characteristics of waterCNaoto Kakuta, Hidenobu Arimoto, Katsuya Kondo, and Yukio Yamada


Development of the deep-tissue imaging method using 2nd near-infrared quantum dotsCYoshikazu Tsukasaki and Takashi Jin


Real-time Monitoring powder blending in pharmaceutical processes by Using of Near Infrared SpectroscopyCKeijiro Terashita, Hiroshi Hisada  and  Hiroshi Yoshitsugu


Study on Dissolution Process Monitoring of Tablets by using a Newly Developed Portable NIR Imaging DeviceiD-NIRsjC Daitaro Ishikawa, Kodai Murayama, Kimie Awa, Takuma Genkawa, Makoto Komiyama and Yukihiro Ozaki


Effect of Polymorphic Transformation of Theophylline Anhydrate in Pharmaceutical Formulation during Agitation Granulation Process on Pharmaceutical Properties by Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCMakoto Otsuka, Tatsuya Ogawa, Yusuke Hattori


Lubrication and excess blending effects of starch and magnesium stearate powder mixtureCYusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


On-board assessment of fat content of tuna using near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Katsuhiko Sawada, Kosuke Yokota, Takayoshi Uehara, Shintaro Imamura, Michiko Suzuki, Meiko Kimura, Tatsuki Oshima, Ippei Fusejima, Yuji Omura and Masaki Kaneniwa


Development of non-invasive measurement for anemia in cattle  3. Development of  the portable NIR spectrometer and trial for field measurementCYutaka Terada,  Akifumi Ikehata, Luo Xuan, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Park,Tsutomu Okura and Sumio Kawano


Evaluation of the calibration transference precision in Near Infrared Spectrometers with instrument calibration functionCKenji Iida, Kenzaburo Deguchi, Hajime Mitome


Near infrared spectroscopy will change figure of compost usage and soil diagnosis-Measurement of compost and soil that is enabled by the method by which calibrations can be updated flexibly-CYoshisato Ootake, Kei Takeda, Kunihiko Suzuki, Tomoya Okazaki, Kenji Maezuka, Tsutomu Ookura, Soni Park and Kunio Sashida


Development of means for compensating optical path length of near infrared transmittance spectra-Discriminant anarysis of different types of mineral water using NIR transmittance spectra-CTakumi Yoshimine, Ai Yoshida, Haruka Tokunaga, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Mastitis Diagnosis of Cows Using NIR Udder Quarter Tissue Spectra Acquired for Short and Long TermCHiroyuki Morita, Shinichiro Kuroki, Kentaro Ikuta, Roumiana Tsenkova


Measurement of sex steroid hormone concentration dried on filter paper by near infrared spectroscopyCKodzue Kinoshita, Go Takemura, Hiromitsu Narita, Genichi Idani, Miho Inoue-Murayama, Roumiana Tsenkova


Measurement of contents of Ecofeed by NIR SpectroscopyCShanji Piao, Tsutomu Okura, Masakazu Irie, Chisato Yonemochi, Masahiro Amari


Quantitative Analysis of Anthocyanins in Blueberries by Near Infrared SpectroscopyCWenming BAI, Norio YOSHIMURA and Masao TAKAYANAGI


Determination of wavelength region for SNV transformation by using moving-window PLS algorismCTakuma Genkawa, Hideaki Kato, Daitaro Ishikawa, Tomohiro Takigawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Calibration-Free Kinetic Estimation Steps for NIR Monitoring of Polymerization Process: Forecast of Reaction Trajectories and Reaction End PointCNicolas Spegazzini and Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of on-line fast grading device for sawn wood lumberCHikaru Kobori, Tetsuya Inagaki, Satoru Tsuchikawa, Takaaki Fujimoto, Kazuhiko Uchida, Hiroshi Yonemori, Mariya Ito, Kenji Yamauchi, Tsutomu Okura, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Park


Projection treatment for baseline correctionCHideyuki Shinzawa, Kimie Awa, Isao Noda and Yukihiro Ozaki


Generation of near-infrared radiation by gas plasmaCAkikazu Sakudo, Yuma Oshiro, Nobuya Hayashi


Non-destructive Monitoring for Formation of Insulin Amyloid Fibrils by Near Infrared SpectroscopyCYutaro Tsuchisaka, Yuki Masuda, Eri Chatani, Roumiana Tsenkova


Change of liquid structure in aqueous solution of electrolyte by near-infrared spectroscopyCNaruya Uchida, Koji Fukuhara, Norio Yoshimura, Masao Takayanagi


NIR-Luminescence detection of dopamine by photoreaction with a Yb3+ complexCSatoshi Shinoda, and Chiharu Tokuda


Glass phosphor combined LED with extremely wideband luminescence (760 ` 1100 nm)CShingo Fuchi, Koji Oshima, Hiroki Uemura, and Yoshikazu Takeda


Assignment of near-infrared absorption of the surface hydroxyl groups and NH3 species adsorbed on zeolite surface CAtsushi Kondo, Yu Horiuchi, Masato Takeuchi, Masaya Matsuoka


Study of illumination method in hyperspectral imagingCJun Kondo, Barbara Boldrini, Rudolf W.Kessler, Hideo Itozaki


Inspection of suspension with NIRCRyu Miyamura, Jun Kondo, Hideo Sato-Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Near infrared spectroscopic study of melting point depression under high-pressure carbon dioxideCYoshihiro Takebayashi, Kiwamu Sue, Yukiya Hakuta, Takeshi Furuya, and Satoshi Yoda


What can NIR tablet imaging tell about properties of PVA-AA-MAA copolymers as a granulation binder?CK.Sakurai, D.Ishikawa, T.Nishii, F.Mizuno, S.Uramatsu, T.Uemura and Y.Ozaki


Quality control of pharmaceutical tablet by crystalline structure of excipientCKimie Awa, Hideyuki Shinzawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Application of reaction process by Time-resolved NIR/IR Two-Dimensional Correlation SpectroscopyCTakashi Nishii, Takuma Genkawa, Masahiro Watari, Daitaro Ishikawa, Shigeaki Morita, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Analysis of pharmaceutical blending uniformity by using high-speed & high-sensitivity NIR spectrometerCKodai Murayama, Takuma Genkawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Yuma Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Sugino, Yoko Torigoe, Makoto Komiyama and Yukihiro Ozaki


Time-course analysis of a process of a pseudo-polymorphism conversion using near-infrared spectroscopyCTomoaki Sakamoto, Yukio Hiyama, Noriko Katori, Haruhiro Okuda


Evaluation of pharmaceutical dosage forms using Near-Infrared Chemical Imaging System-Effect of particle sizes of ingredient on measurementCTatsuo Koide, Noriko Katori, Toshiro Fukami, Yoshihisa Yamamoto and Haruhiro Okuda




Near Infrared spectroscopy and Chemometrics study on ingredient composition change of fermented foodsCNorihisa KATAYAMA, Yukiyo KOBAYASHI, Yuichi KATSURAGAWA and Emi SAKAI


Development of non-invasive measurement for anemia in cattle 2. Development of calibration models for hemoglobin related blood componentsCAkifumi Ikehata, Luo Xuan, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Park, Tsutomu Okura, and Yutaka Terada


Rapid determination of methane fermented residual liquid by near-infrared spectroscopyCHaruka Tokunaga, Takumi Yoshimine, Ayaka Asakuni, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Rapid determination of chemical composition of Satsuma mandarin by NIR trasmittance method using a normal Test tubeCChie Kaku, Haruka Tokunaga, Ayaka Asakuni, Takumi Yoshimine, Yoshinori Kamitani and Sumio Kawano


Basic Study on Rapid Starch Determination of Raw Sweet Potato ‟An-nouh using NIR Interactance MethodCA. Asakuni, H. Tokunaga, T. Yoshimine, M. Nishisako, C. Kaku, M.Matsuo, K. Ueno, T. Miyahara, K. Kitahara, Y. Kamitani and S. Kawano


Evaluation of Crystallinity for the Material of the Malting Film: Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) by using CompovisionCDaitaro Ishikawa, Takashi Nishii, Takuya Inoguchi, Fumiaki Mizuno, Harumi Sato and Yukihiro Ozaki


Heating process analysis of soy milk by using NIR spectroscopy and PLS regression analysisCHideaki Kato, Yu Kawahara, Mineka Takemae and Takuma Genkawa


Precise nondestructive inspection of wood material by NIR laserCRyunosuke Kitamura, Masashi Koishikawa and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Dynamic behavior of wood components under applied tensile loadsCTakaaki Fujimoto, Shigeaki Morita and Satoru Tsuchikawa


NIR spectroscopic investigation of archaeological wood buried in Kiso MountaionCTetsuya Inagaki, Naoya Okumura, Hitoshi Yonenobu and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Discrimination of Waste Wood using Near Infrared Hyperspectral ImagingCSakura Higa, Hikaru Kobori, Miyoko Fujimoto, Hiroshi Suganuma and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Inspection of foreign matter in food products using Vis-NIR imaging (II) Detection of solid foreign matter in chocolate by transmission imageCTe Ma, Hikaru Kobori, Norihisa Katayama, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Measurement of lipid content in cultured marine fish using portable near infrared spectrophotometers with short and long wavelength regionsCTakayuki Fujiwara, Tomoko Kubo and Yasushi Tsuchihashi


Measurement of Water Soluble Carbohydrates content in grass by NIRSCHideshi Shinoda,Shu Kogawa


In Situ Estimation of the Constituents of Green Soybean (Edamame) Pod using Near-Infrared Transmission SpectroscopyCMichiru Suzuki, Mitsuhiko Katahira, Motoyasu Natsuga


Constituent Content Determination of Goat Raw Milk Using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCYuuto Wu, Motoyasu Natsuga, Mitsuhiko Katahira, Norio Yoshida


Diagnosis of Concrete Deterioration in Infrastructures using Near Infrared SpectroscopyCToru SHITARA, Michiru SUZUKI, Mitsuhiko KATAHIRA, Motoyasu NATSUGA


Real –time monitoring of drying process of sucrose by Near-infrared SpectroscopyCHisayoshi Aoki, Ryo Uchitomi, Yusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka, Masami Mizu, Masahiro Okuno



27th NIR Forum

November 9-11, 2011

Tsukuba Center for Institutes


Lighting the path with NIRCPeter Flinn


Near Infrared Clinical Instruments: Simple Wavelength Ratioing Methods for Quantitative AssessmentsCDavid Burns and Fabiano Pandozzi


Announcement for the 3rd Asian Near-Infrared Symposium (ANS2012, Thai)CThongchai Suwonsichon, Warunee Thanapase


History of the meeting on NIR spectroscopy in Japan and AsiaCSumio Kawano


Report on the International Conference of NIRS( NIR2011)CTsuyoshi Miura


An algorithm to compensate for the non-uniformity of pixel intensity in hyperspectral images of agricultural samples with curved morphology CRon Haff, Sirinnapa Saranwong, Akifumi Ikehata, and Sumio Kawano


Spectroscopic Imaging for Water Distribution using Near-Infrared LaserCShigeaki Morita


Development of clinical diagnostic method using near-infrared spectroscopyCAkikazu Sakudo


Near infrared spectroscopy in the field of pharmaceutical quality assuranceCMasatomo Ito


Fundamental study on characteristics of degradation process of the biodegradable plastic films for mulching by using NIR imagingCIshikawa Daitaro, Seto Naoki, Sato Harumi, Ozaki Yukihiro


Decomposition of Spectra of Multi-Layered Biological Materials by Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy and Multivariate AnalysisCM. Tsuta, N. Nguyen Do Trong, E. Herremans, J. De Baerdemaeker, B. Nicolaï and W. Saeys


Evaluation of moisture content in wood using hyperspectral imagingCH.Kobori, J.M.Roger ,G.Rabatel, N.Gorretta, V.Bellon, G.Chaix, S.Tsuchikawa


A Basic Study of Optical Glucose Sensing in Red Cell Concentrations Using Near-infrared Diffuse-reflectance SpectroscopyCYusuke Suzuki, Katsuhiko Maruo, Alice W. Zhang, Kazushige Shimogaki, Hideto Ogawa and Fumiya Hirayama


Evaluation of Dispersion Distribution of Components Pharmaceutical Tablet Using NIR Chemical ImagingCKiejiro Terashita


Kernel Analysis of Partial Least Squares (PLS) Regression ModelCHideyuki Shinzawa , Pitiporn Ritthiruangdej, Yukihiro Ozaki


Hydrogen Bonding Effects on the Wavenumbers and Absorption Intensities of the OH Fundamental and OvertonesCYusuke Morisawa, Takayuki gonjo, Yoshisuke Futami , Arisa Suga, Yukihiro Ozaki


Constituent Analysis of Wheat Flour by Means of Fractional-Differential Processing of SpectraCJun Uozumi, Masaki Furukawa and Yoshifumi Uemura


Near infrared spectroscopy as high-throughput technology for screening of xylose-fermenting recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strainsCHiroyuki Morita, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Maria Vassileva, Akihiko Kondo, and Roumiana Tsenkova


Bottled liquid scanner using near infraredCHideo Itozaki, Ryu Miyamura, Hideo Sato-Akaba


Extension of 1ƒΚm light source to shorter wavelength region using glass phosphor excited by LEDCShingo Fuchi, Koji Oshima, and Yoshikazu Takeda


Near infrared spectroscopic study of CO2-expanded liquidsCYoshihiro Takebayashi, Kiwamu Sue, Satoshi Yoda, Yukiya Hakuta, and Takeshi Furuya


Crystalline structure and mechanical property of poly(lactic acid) nanocomposite probed by NIR imagingCHideyuki Shinzawa, Masakazu Nishida, Toshiyuki Tanana, Wataru Kanematsu


Technology of wet steam quality measurements using near infrared spectroscopyCGiichi Nishino, Yasuhiro Gosho


Determination of laminate component of laminated paper by principal component analysis (PCA)CWenming BAI ; Norio YOSHIMURAand Masao TAKAYANAGI,


NIR light path simulation in a liquid bottleCRyu Miyamura, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Concurrent analyses of organic functional groups and H 2 O molecules adsorbed on the adsorbents to remove amyloid beta protein in blood for approaches to therapy of Alzheimerfs diseaseCMasato Takeuchi, Hiromasa Yamagawa, Kazunori Kawaguchi, Nobuya Kitaguchi and Masakazu Anpo


Compression effect on property of pharmaceutical tabletCKimie Awa, Hideyuki Shinzawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Dissolution model of solid formulations analyzed by NIR spectroscopyCYusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Transmission measurement of the bilayer tablets by using the high-speed and high-sensitivity Near-Infrared Photo-diode array SpectrometerCKoudai Murayama, Hiroyuki Sugino, Makoto Komiyama, Takuma Genkawa, Daitaro Ishikawa, Mikiko Konta and Yukihiro Ozaki


Examples of near infrared spectral analysis on pharmaceutical processCTakuma Genkawa, Makoto Komiyama, Masahiro Watari, Koudai Murayama,Takashi Nishii  and Yukihiro Ozaki


Estrus diagnosis with urinary near infrared spectra in a female orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)CKodzue Kinoshita, Yusuke Aramaki, Hiroyuki Morita, Harunobu Hisata,  Atsushi Hayakawa,Yusuke Sano, Masato Takeda,Hiroshi Kusunoki,and Roumiana Tsenkova


Development of near-infrared and infrared dual-wavelength spectrometer for active pharmaceutical ingredient process (II) - Development of ATR probe with hollow fibers and basic study for the calibration transfer-CMasahiro Watari, Takuma Genkawa, Takashi Nishi and Yukihiro Ozaki


Analysis Method for Imaging Spectroscopy using One-Class SVMCToshinori Honma , Toshimasa Iijima, Mitsuo Hashiba, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kazuhiro Sawayama


Development of standard spectrum generator and new reference systemCHiromichi Aoki, Sumio Kawano


Brix measurement of peach by using a potable filter type NIR instrumentCMasayuki Harata, Shigemi Hirasawa and Akifumi Ikehata


Development of non-contact type total quality evaluation system for strawberry(1)-Development of analytical algorithm for hardness measurement-CKazunari Miyashita, Tomofumi Ikari, Ryoichi Fukasawa, Rie Aoyama and Masaru Kashiwazaki


Nondestructive measurement of lipid content of black scraper (Thamnaconus modestus) liverCTakayuki Fujiwara, Yasushi Tsuchihashi and Tomoko Ishikawa


Estimation of lignin and holocellulose in decomposing deadwood using NIR spectroscopyCYoshimi Sakai, Shigehiro Ishizuka, Ayumi (Oda) Tanaka and Chisato Takenaka


Nondestructive measurement for wood quality by using pico second near-infrared pulsed laserCYohei KURATA, Satoru TSUCHIKAWA


Evaluation of wood physical property by NIR laserCMasashi Koishikawa, Satoru Tsuchikawa


Mapping of Leaf Water Content using Hyperspectral ImagingCSakura Higa, Hikaru Kobori, Hiroshi Suganuma, Miyoko Fujimoto and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Development of simple detection method for E.coli by near-infrared spectroscopyCYuriko Nakakimura and Roumiana Tsenkova


Research about probiotic bacteria by Near Infrared SpectroscopyCKaoru Nakai, Chihiro Tanaka, Ro Osawa, and Roumiana Tsenkova


Development of non-invasive measurement for anemia in cattle  1. Study of fibre optic probesCYutaka Terada, Sirinnapa Saranwong, Akifumi Ikehata, Kunio Sashida, Shanji Park,Tsutomu Okura and Sumio Kawano


Effect of storage temperature of methane fermentation residual liquid on its NIR spectraCHaruka TOKUNAGA, Ai YOSHIDA, Yoshinori KAMITANI and Sumio KAWANO


Measurement of Compost and Soil Constituents by using Near Infrared Spectroscopy- Introduction of Procedures that enable Classification of Prediction Sample to Plural Calibrations and Low Cost Equipment -COOTAKE Yoshisato, TAKEDA Kei, SUZUKI Kunihiko, OKAZAKI Tomoya, MAEZUKA Kenji, OOKURA Tsutomu, PAKU Soni, SASHIDA Kunio


Study of Molecular Interaction between Acetic Acid and Water Using Excess Partial Molar AbsorptivityCTakeyoshi GOTO, Akifumi Ikehata, Yusuke Morisawa, Yukihiro Ozaki


pH Sensing of Aqueous Solutions with Near-Infrared Luminescent Protein–Lanthanide ComplexesCSatoshi Shinoda , Keiko Terada , Hiroshi Tsukube


Reaction process analysis by NIR/IR Two-Dimensional Correlation SpectroscopyCTakashi Nishii,  Takuma Genkawa, Masahiro Watari,and Yukihiro Ozaki


Wavelength Selection and the Stability for NIRS Analysis of Glucose in Human SerumCTao Pan, Jun Xie, Hua-zhou Chen, Hao Yin, Li-jun Yao and Zhen-yao Liu



26th NIR Forum

December 1-3, 2010

Tsukuba Center for Institutes




Process Analytical Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry:Expanding the Concept and Practice to other IndustriesCA.C. Moffat


Hand-Held Spectrometers: The Future of In-Situ Chemical Quality Control by Vibrational Spectroscopy ?CLars Herberholz, Sedakat Altinpinar and Heinz W. Siesler


Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Research for Improving Biological EnvironmentCRae-Kwang Cho


Introduction of Strawberry and Cherry Sorting System by NIR SpectroscopyCHisaya Yamada


Development of the nondestructive screening device for natural wood products using near infrared spectroscopyCTakaaki Fujimoto


Quality evaluation of composts using near infrared spectroscopyCTakayuki Fujiwara


Near-infrared spectroscopy: promising  tool for infectious diseasesCAkikazu Sakudo


Development of an apparatus for monitoring subcutaneous bleeding using a new NIR imaging methodCFumihiko Ichikawa, Saburo Matsubayashi, Yoshihiro Kawai and Susumu Moriya


One-bean near infrared spectrum measurement and analysis for green coffee beans characterizationCMasato TAKASHIMA, Hiroshi HYODO, Tomohiro ISHIWAKI and Kohei SOGA


Measurement of Volatile Basic Nitrogen (VBN) content in silage by NIRSCHIdeshi Shinoda, Toshiharu Miura, Shu Kogawa


NIR Imaging to Detect Fruit Fly in Intact MangoesCSirinnapa Saranwong, Ron Haff, Warunee Thanapase and Sumio Kawano


Development of a non-invasive blood glucose sensor using near infrared spectroscopy and its application to glycemic index determinationCYasuhiro Uwadaira, Norihiko Adachi, Akifumi Ikehata and Sumio Kawano


Highly Sensitive Near-Infrared Photo-TransistorCMutsuo Ogura and Katsuhiko Nishida


Monitoring of alcoholic fermentation with near-infrared and infrared dual-wavelength spectrometerCTakuma Genkawa, Masahiro Watari, Mitsue Satou, Mikiko Konta and Yukihiro Ozaki


Gas & Liquid Phase Rapid Analysis by NIR AnalyzerCHideko Tanaka Toshiki Ohara  DukWon Ryu and Chris Hopkins


Temperature Measurement of Aqueous Solution in Microchannel Using Near-Infrared SpectroscopyCNaoto Kakuta, Yuko Fukuhara, Katsuya Kondo, Hidenobu Arimoto, Yukio Yamada


Vibrational spectroscopic study on swelling of organoclay in waterCHideyuki Shinzawa


Amino Acid Sensing with Near-Infrared Luminescence of Lanthanide ComplexesCSatoshi Shinoda, Keiko Yano, and Hiroshi Tsukube


Scanning technology of  liquid in a bottle using NIRCHideo Itozaki, Hideo Sato-Akaba, Dai Shirotani, Koji Matsushita, Susumu Morimoto


Nondestructive estimation of wood stress condition under tensile loads using NIR spectroscopyCTakaaki Fujimoto, Kazushige Matsumoto and Satoru Tsuchikawa


Development of defection technology for foreign material in diced tomato product by using NIR imagingCShoji Yamada , Haruyuki Igami


Damage detection for strawberry by NIR spectral imagingCTomofumi Ikari, Ryoichi Fukasawa, Ken-ichi Tanbo, Kazunari Miyashita, Hideo Oka, Satoshi Shimada, Kumiko Matsumoto, Takayuki Ishida and Masaru Kashiwazaki


Determination of Brix Value of Intact Melon using a Hand- held NIR Instrument CMakoto Yoshida, Ayaka Soga and Sumio Kawano


Taste and texture evaluation of apple using near infrared spectroscopyCJie Yu Chen, Hiroki Inoue, Han Zhang


NIR study on fermentation of soybean fermented food "Tempeh"CEmi SAKAI, and Norihisa KATAYAMA


Application of Time-Of-Flight Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Detecting Sugar and Acid Contents in Model SolutionCYohei Kurata, Masashi Koishikawa, Satoru Tshuchikawa


New method for developing a calibration with temperature compensation by using difference spectra of fruits and water generated from a temperature perturbation.  CNorihiko Adachi, Sirinnapa Saranwong , Akifumi Ikehata and Sumio Kawano


Rapid assessment of fat content and discoloration of tuna flesh using visible/near-infrared spectroscopyCTakashi Kimiya, Shintaro Imamura, Michiko Suzuki, Hiroko Mou, Meiko Kimura, Hijiri Iga, Takayoshi Uehara, Tatsuki Oshima, Ippei Fusejima, Sumio Hirokawa, Emiko Okazaki and Yoshinobu Hiraoka


Application of a portable NIR  spectrophotometer to a routine blood test for grazing cattle (Reinforce of calibration with anemia blood samples)CYutaka Terada, Miharu Negi  and Sumio Kawano


Near-infrared and infrared spectral analysis of alcohol fermentation processCTakashi Nishii, Takuma Genkawa, Masahiro Watari, Mitsue Satou, Mikiko Konta and Yukihiro Ozaki


Prediction of water content of baking powderCTakuo Yano, Jiro Kohda and Yasuhisa Nakano


Realtime Imaging Spectroscopy for Detecting Foreign Matter in Food MaterialsCToshinori Honma, Toshimasa Iijima, Mitsuo Hashiba, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kazuhiro Sawayama


Vibrational NIR spectroscopic analysis of theophylline tablet manufacturing processesCTomoaki Sakamoto, Koji Nakayama, Daisuke Sasakura, Toru Kawanishi, Yukio Hiyama


Effect of compression on pharmaceutical tablet probed by Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopyCKimie Awa, Hideyuki Shinzawa and Yukihiro Ozaki


Development of high-speed and high-sensitivity Near-infrared spectrometer : Short-time transmission measurement of tabletsCKoudai Murayama, Makoto Komiyama, Takuma Genkawa, Mikiko Konta, and Yukihiro Ozaki


Analytical Approach Using NIR Spectroscopy for Water Penetration and Dissolution of TabletsCYusuke Hattori, Makoto Otsuka


Non-destructive prediction for particle size of active ingredient in suppository by NIR spectroscopyCHiroyuki Abe, Eri Otsuka, Masaki Abrada, and Makoto Otsuka,


Pharmaceutical On-Line process monitoring by NIR\Granule properties for tableting compression\CAkira Koyama, Tatsuya Ogawa, Yusuke Hattori, Takaya Sato and Makoto Otsuka


Effect of blend uniformity before and after adding lubricant on tablet propertiesCKeijiro Terashita, Toshiyasu Tarumi and Kanji Iwamoto


Possibility of non-invasive portable blood glucose meterCShuxing Xu Kazuaki Saitou Sadatoshi Kasai


Development of imaging system for water and oil of the facial skinCMariko Egawa, Motohiro Yanai, Kumiko Kikuchi, and Yuji Masuda


Aquaporin molecular dynamics through near infrared spectroscopy and AquaphotomicsCM. Miyazaki, M. Vassileva, Y. Abe, Y. Kato, M. Yasui, R.Tsenkova


Effect of compression on pharmaceutical tablet probed by Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopyCHideyuki Shinzawa, Kimie Awa and Yukihiro Ozaki


A trial of nondestructive measurement for functional materials of food by visible regionfs 2nd dim. spectroscopyCKazuji Matsumoto, Mari Ohta, and Manabu Heya


Near-Infrared spectra of drinks and dangerous liquidsCDai Shirotani, Koji Matsushita, Hideo Akaba and Hideo Itozaki


The feasibility test of the instrument which inspects liquid in a PET bottle with NIR spectroscopyCKoji Matsushita, Dai Shirotani, Hideo Akaba, Hideo Itozaki


Prediction of Acid Value of BDFCEri Masumoto, Jiro Kohda, Yasuhisa Nakano, Takuo Yano


Derivative spectra of fractional orders by means of a polynomial fitting methodCJun Uozumi


A study on hydration of  phosphoric acid and phosphate by an extended molar absorption coefficientCAkifumi Ikehata and Sumio Kawano


Near infrared spectroscopic study of water-in-supercritical CO2 microemulsionCYoshihiro Takebayashi, Kiwamu Sue, Satoshi Yoda, Yukiya Hakuta, and Takeshi Furuya


Investigation on the H2O clusters within the cavities of porous materials by using NIR spectroscopyCMasato Takeuchi, Gianmario Martra, Salvatore Coluccia and Masakazu Anpo


Development of low cost, high performance NIR InstrumentCShanji park, Sashida kunio, Okura tustomu


Broadening and application of 1ƒΚm light source using glass phosphor excited by LEDCShingo Fuchi, Yoshikazu Takeda


Development and evaluation of prototype near-infrared and infrared dual-wavelength spectrometerCMasahiro Watari, Mitue Satou, Takuma Genkawa, Mikiko Konta and Yukihiro Ozaki